Jun 01, 2005 17:20
This'll be my true entry of the week. I have so much to say..and so..much time to say it in!
At present, I'm hiding out a bad rainstorm in the Carleton U. Library. What'm I doing in such a place, you ask? I got something called a SmartCard at the public library! It allows you, as a regular public-library-card-holder, to get a library card for Ottawa U. and Carleton U.! It doesn't even cost anything. I've already taken out a bunch of appropriately nerdly books from both libraries.
I was walking around with my dear chum Indro last night, and I was sadly in quite a state of suffering. My head was swimming and my feet seemed to be pounding and swelling out of their shoes. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Later, I realized that one of my big toes actually had an infected cut on it, due to a violent and carelessly-angled clipping of the nail, that morning.
At 5 a.m. I woke up and was in agony! And for such a little thing. I couldn't take it, so I limped into the bathroom to look for some polysporin, or anything that would ease my suffering. All I could find was a bottle of rubbing alcohol, which I poured over the cut, and I went back to bed, toe-a-burnin'.
I think I've cured it with some polysporin that I bought. Can you believe they have "Triple Polysporin", "Polysporin for Kidz", etc.? It makes me cringe. I seriously use this stuff once every two years. They're marketed as if you should rub them into every nick and scratch--"scar and infection prevention."
The woman in this library who was helping me get on the computer asked me something funny. It just confirms my vision that people perceive me in bizarre ways, or that I have a confusing dialect.
Woman: "By the way, is that an Australian accent I notice?"
Me: "What! No...?"
Woman: "I just thought.. I mean.. what is it?"
Me: "What is what? It's nothing!"
Woman: "??"
Me: "I'm just from Eastern Ontario.."
I'm really into the sandwiches, lately. Whoever wants to have a picnic of sandwiches with me, just let me know.. pita wraps, vietnamese subs, you name it..
awkward situation,
library work,
eastern ontario