to the east!

Jan 04, 2004 21:27

I'm back in Ottawa! Here is a summary of the past week or so, during which I travelled to Halifax and other fine cities.

Friday 26th: Julia and I took the bus to Montreal at night. I thought this best, because we would probably be stressed enough with an entire next day to get ready in Montreal.

Saturday 27th: We tried to get things in order and went over to Segal's (cheap grocery store) to buy food for on the train. Then, back to Julia's to pack. It was actually cut pretty close, because we were doing packing right up until we left and only got to the train station fifteen minutes before the train was to leave.

We sat in our seats and ate and talked a lot, and tried some stupid infantile crossword puzzles in a book which just made us sad. Eventually some exploration revealed a more comfortable lounging room, which was good because most "respectable" passengers were angry and trying to sleep. We discussed getting off the train in Moncton and hitchhiking to PEI to suprisingly arrive at the Tastes Like Burning reunion show. Neither of us ended up being able to sleep much even when we tried at 2 am or so. I probably slept about half an hour.

Sunday 28th: We got off the train in Moncton at around 1pm. It was very dead and transit was not running because it was a sunday. Eventually someone drove us to the highway and a series of rides drove us to "this" side of the toll bridge to PEI.

Eventually a very strange man picked us up and drove us the rest of the way to Charlottetown. He didn't like the french very much, and endlessly went on about "taking it easy", how "stressful" toronto is, how "quebecers" are always picking on people from ontario, how he got traffic tickets, how his wife is too pissy with him.

He dropped us off in front of the "house of rock" where the show was taking place. We were going to sneak in wearing scarves over our face and wait til the proper time to surprise people but in the end we forgot and just waltzed in. After the show, we hung out in the kitchen there and eventually were invited to sleep at my long lost friend Ol' Klorey's. Her dog in turn tried to molest me. :(

Monday 29th: We were driven into Charlottetown in the morning by Sister Klorey. We "hanged" for a while and reunited with respected eastcoasters Greg and Megan. Eventually ol' Klorey and this Dominique character met us at a certain "Formosa's" restoraunt and we ate some bizarre coagulated rice.

We had made arrangements to go to a ride to halifax with this guy, but were 20 minutes late in calling him and missed him. In a decent but poorly-thought-out effort, Klorey drove Julia and I to the highway outside of Charlottetown and we tried hitchiking to the bridge (and to halifax?). I was actually kind of sick and it was already getting dark so I was a little sad about this. We only got to Crapaud and I nakedly declared my wishes to turn around and try the next day. We got a ride back in a banged-up old pickup truck with a gritty but knowing driver.

We encountered Greg and Megan again and the boy Jonah. We ended up eating rubbish and candy and watching a lot of Pee-wee Herman and Mystery Science Theater 3000. Julia and Jonah decided to hitchhike the next day and I would take the Charlottetown-Halifax shuttle van with G&M.

Tuesday 30th: There was room on the shuttle and we took it to Halifax, and we passed Julia and Jonah on the highway twice. Also, we saw a Lily look-alike in a rural Nova Scotia gas-station!!

We finally arrived at Greg and Megan's Halifax house and J&J did soon after. Greg and I listened to his new Weird Al CD and I played with Megan's new sparkly markers. We lazed around and watched many cartoons there for the rest of the day. We also played UNO with a certain Rob, although apparantly my culture and rules are unfamiliar to these types and therefore I was ostracized.

Wednesday 31st: We lazed more and went to Venus Envy Hfx and to Food Not Bombs, and then Bowling. I can bowl! Who knew?! I drew a very hilarious drawing of a giant squid and sperm whale fighting. Then, off to some new year's eve parties and dubious goings-on. I also met the lovely Klorey II: Anneka! (Just kidding.) I also met my sometimes arts-and-crafts rival, Caleb.

The less said about my grumpiness when I can't sleep, the better!

Thursday 1st: We woke up and a certain Sam (girl) character was there. She boasted that she could give us "free" breakfast at her work and thus we went and ate. I wanted to make Spanish potatoes for supper but alas all grocery stores were closed.

A tea party was arranged for the evening and over came the same reputable characters of the past days. I drank far too much tea and was in a pretty good mood. They wanted to watch some wretched movie, so I retreated to Greg's room to listen to punk music and design a ridiculously detailed medieval village in Warcraft III map editor. Eventually the entire party degenerated into a rolling argument about this terrible movie at about 2 am, and many people fled.

Friday 2nd: Julia and I had to take the train back to Montreal at 1pm. Megan made us a very hearty breafast and we set off on our way. We were smarter this time and spent most of the trip in the "lounge room", although Julia slept a lot during the first part of the ride. I also cried! But enough about me.

We played a strategy game that involves drawing lines, Lucy Goosie would know the one I mean. Eventually it became really tense and difficult towards the end and I got all high-strung. After that, Julia crocheted me a vibrator cozy (!!!) and I made a poster of babies for Naomi, and we wrote a bit of a letter to Greg&Megan. Finally we retired to bed at 1am or so. I slept in the freezing cold observation deck to have more room (you're only allowed to sleep sitting up in the passenger car), and I managed to sleep at least but I had bad dreams about being homeless and freezing to death.

Saturday 3rd: We arrived in the morning in Montreal, on Naomi's birthday (this was of course planned from the start). We went over to her house and had some good times which I'm not at ease to discuss in print at all. Needless to say it involved 12 hours, ten cakes, and being reunited with many long lost friends.

Sunday 4th: Today I had a leisurely afternoon with Levine, Agnew and Tiffany and took the bus back to ottawa at 5pm. Here I am!

My new year's resolution, I've decided: BE LESS OF A GRUMPY GUS! Some of you know what I'm talking about!

montreal, allscrapedup, east coast, food, travel, goals

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