(no subject)

Jul 10, 2007 20:32

What the hell, it's only been 8 and a half months since the last one.

It's amazing what you can accomplish in the downtime it takes to constantly reinstall and re-patch Planescape: Torment. Not that it takes that long to do, I just had to do it about 6 times. Somehow or another I got roped into reading quantum theorists go all existential on me about immortality, which has its' benefits as I get to use phrases like quantum immortality, the quantum suicide-thought experiment, Moore's Law as it pertains to direct mind-computer interface, and immortal jellyfish! I get the feeling that the farther we get with science as regards delving into things we can't prove, like the existence or structure of infinite dimensions, the closer we get to going all mystical with it, which proves my assertion that there IS a God, and he thinks it's really funny to send us all in big circles. Man, what a dick.

And to top it all off, I still can't get Planescape: Torment not to crash my computer.

Don't suppose anyone I know has ever played it? The requirements are so old they call for a "DirectX compliant 8mb video card", and pretty much everything past that is so advanced that the game shuts down and, in my case, restarts my computer, any time a graphic animation triggers. >.>
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