im ready to get out of town for a minute..
so for those of you who thought i quit taking photos...
you were right. sort of.
but they seem to appear out of nowhere anyway sooo here's ya go.
theres a bunch so be careful, eh?
there's more going on here than meets the eye... quickfingers black takes a tumble
pukey pants mcDale
annd lizard queen nabbed my napsack.... shiiiet
random old old old old photo:
tell-tale signs of a balanced skatepark diet
there is a creepy little burnt fetus character in the glass goo ball. check it.
move in day: my room is no longer this cleaaan
or this often occupied by evan
lookie who came to visit
someday i will look back and wonder where all that hair went. I just had a really intense dream a minute ago that we went swimming in some sketchy pond and these bugs all laid eggs in our scalps and i had to cut them. It was nothing short of a nightmare...
believe it or not, i skate here just about every nice day that we have. There's two little manny pads you can kinda see in this picture, plus a wall behind me that you can do shit over. Its a nice little place to warm up and do some lines, its right downtown, and its bust-free. what more could you want? oh yeah, used condoms and broken fohties..
this one cracks me upppp
random picture, but just check evan's face in the corner. Priceless
Berffday pertty
hell-fuckin' right
so at this point, i left my camera at gage's for a while. some of these really crack me up, so im putting them up anyway.
courtney says fuuuuck you
and last but of course not least....
g.i. bro salutes you
so there. now you know everything i've done since august, in a nutshell