nothing and everything

Jan 06, 2008 22:56

I really have nothing interesting to say, just my usual incomprehensive, scattered babblings.

I am not looking forward to this year for the sole fact it is an election year.  Everytime you turn around there is someone shoving a candidate down your throat!  Jeeez!  And the repelicans are calling my grandparents at least once a day!  I don't know who I'm going to vote for yet, but good lord, anything is better then this administration.  8 years of this bullshit!  Not that kerry was any great prize either.  I can say I do not like Hillary very much.  I'm female, but she's not.  She managed to have her husband pardon her family members his last day or so in office, when they were rightfully convicted of a crime.  And she's a tricky bitch.  I can jump on the band wagon and say obama, but I'm not sure of that either.  I just hate it when people bitch, but then dote vote.  Or say, I refuse to vote for the best of the worst.  Those are your choices, unless you get 100million people to write in homer simpson, you're not going to have any other choice!  That would be funny though.  I think this country would be the only one that could POSSIBLY elect homer.  We have Arnold as a governor, and jesse ventura was too!

I read that Henry Rollins was in Pakistan when the woman (I just forgot her name) was assasinated.  That had to have been an interesting experience.  He joined in the demonstrations, saying he'd stand out more if he just stood and watched.  Henry said he only went to Pakistan because everyone said he shouldn't.  Good enough reason, I suppose.  I would love to go to saudi Arabia.  It's supposed to be amazing.  Just beautiful.  My teacher for my classes on the history of the modern middle east used to live there.  He was a muslim that was converted after the vietnam war.  I think he used to be a hippie.  I saw him and his wife at the mall (in Merritt Island) and she was wearing a burka.  Hey, to each there own!

I hear Dr. Phil has now stuck his fat head in the brituation fiasco.  I don't know why her family sells her out at every opportunity.  But then again, she's no better.  Driving around the day she got out of the hospital?  insane... but then that's no surprise.  I sat around all day friday, well, when Caitlin was asleep watching the live feed from the hospital and then from the court house.  The Fedex truck was mildly amusing, along with pink shoes, the guy singing "umbrella-ella-ella" and white hoodie dude.  Other then that just a waste of time and an excuse to do nothing!

Maybe I should use this to write down everything I've eaten and drank in one day.  I'm sure that would shame me some.  I eat so much crap, I'm NEVER going to lose the weight!  I will not give up my soda's though, even though I know for a fact, that would help a lot.  Hey, I'm only here once!  I think I'm going to eat more salads and fruit.  I actually like fruit on my salads, so maybe that will help.  I think it's the dressing I run into problems with.  That and I like croutons.  Evil!  I would also like to go to the gym again, but getting someone to babysit is not always the easiest thing to do.  I will admit I have no idea what I weigh right now.  I believe somewhere around 145, which is rediculus.  I need to loose AT LEAST 15lbs.  20 would be a little unrealistic.  Sean is offering to buy me jeans as a xmas present after the fact, but I don't want to spend a bunch of money on me this size.  I would much rather save it until I am too small for these.  Even though I really like these jeans!  I guess the best thing for me to do is eat smaller portions and be more active.  This xmas vacation I was lazy.  Sean's trying to get me to do a workout video, just to get me to do something.  I'm not a very good self-motivator.  oh well, we'll see

Lets see if I can even name everything I ate today:
*rice crispies and milk (whole, but prob. only 1/4 to 1/3 cup)
*3 cokes (12 oz.)
*1 brownie
*1 travel cheetos
*jimmy johns Turkey tom
*1 golden oreo
*ham, mashed potatoes and green beans

Ok, overall, the meals themselves weren't horrible.  If I had a smaller portion size at dinner that would have been better.  The snacks in between were all JUNK!  As for exercize.... absolutely nothing, though in defense, I did throw out my back this morning.  Had to cut things a little short, but I rested today, and I am feeling better.

What are activities I can do?  Walking, rollerblading? yoga?  workout videos?  The one I have is SOOOO LAME!  It's hilarious.  I have a tae bo vhs, but our vcr is broken, so I can't use that!

This year I need to pay some bills.  Namely: Usaa, dr. elmer, capital one, and burdines.  I'm not in extreme amounts of debt, just a little.  But enough to get a little worried.

Oh well I think I should go to bed.  I probably won't, but I should try.


*brituation was taken from

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