Writer's Block: Close Call

May 21, 2009 20:11

April 17, 2008 I am riding in the car with my boyfriend coming back from picking up some stuff at a friends house.  We are on the main road and a moving van coming off of a side street pulls out right in front of us.  We hit the side of the truck going 45, and Neither of us were wearing our seat belts.  Of course I flew forward and hit my head on the wind shield, no serious damage just lots of glass, blood, and stitches.  Oh yeah, and back problems.  My boyfriend was ok he just hit his mouth on the steering wheel causing him to crack his tooth.  So the accident happens, people come crowding around because I screamed bloody murder the second after the accident happened and I realized what had just happened.  The ambulance showed up and took us away.  They told me repeatedly how lucky I was.  Mostly because I didn't fly threw windshield which they thought would have been almost certain, and I had no brain damage.  I am a small person so I could have easily went through and went through a  lot more pain than I did.  And this was my first car accident ever so it pretty scared the crap out of me.

writer's block

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