
Mar 07, 2012 10:05

name Emily
age 20
gender Female
sexuality Bisexual
religion Jewish
zodiac sign Libra
location Boston

how often do you toke? 3-4x a day.
are you high right now? No, mam.
- if not, when was the last time you were? Last night before bed
at what age did you first smoke weed? 14
what is your favorite thing about marijuana? The actually smoking process itself, and the THC of course.
recall an embarassing moment you experienced while high Ugh, alright so I consider myself a nice blunt roller, i mean, i've been practicing for years now. so i decide that i'm going to roll the blunts for the large group (all boys) i;m with. tell me why i'm so high i have no saliva in my mouth, and crack not one, but two of the dutches. AND it was raining and we had to go to the store! needless to say, i was hazed.
have you ever grown cannabis? No i have not
- if so, what happened?
whats youre favorite thing to do while high? Sketching is a personal fav, and reading. and of course good ol' tv.
your favorite smoking device blunts
do you consider yourself a pothead/stoner? why or why not? yes, i spend too much money on it. tooo much.

name your favorite bands bob dylan, the velvet underground, the smiths, simon and garfunkel, the beatles, patti smith.
whats the best kind of music to listen to while stoned? the beatles radio on pandora, or the eazy e station.

drugs you have used bud, alcohol, perks, vics, xanax, k-pins, valium, adderol...
your favorite drug kpins
body modifications belly button, ears twice, five tattoos.

sXe not for me, but it's for some.
legalization of marijuana i'm all for it.
drug addiction disease, not a choice.

how did you find cannabis_love? browsing, really. :)
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