Jan 01, 2020 14:00

Note: These are just general permissions! If Shiki ever gets her chip removed for Discedo, I'll make a separate permissions post for that.

ooc permissions
This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.
Backtagging: Yes! I'm always down for backtagging.
Threadhopping: Umm yes in most cases? And no if it's SUPER SERIOUS? Idk that's what most people say...
Fourthwalling: No thanks, please. Unless it's 4th Wall Day or something.
Canon Puncture: ... what does this mean? |D
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Nothing that I can think of... if you're really concerned feel free to ask me!

ic permissions
This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:
Hugging this character: Feel free to, though Shiki will not really be pleased... maybe an awkward pat on the back if she likes you. Maybe.
Kissing this character: LMAO that would be funny. Again, go ahead and try! She will definitely not be pleased though. At all. Expect getting punched or something like that.
Flirting with this character: Sure, though whether or not she notices/responds to it is entirely different...
Fighting with this character: YESSSSS. Let's talk!
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Again, let's talk.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: AHAHAHA go ahead. Shiki's head is rather... interesting, to say the least.

. ooc

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