Oct 21, 2004 18:21
Dear Elliott Smith,
It's been a year since your death. The first time i heard your music, i didnt even know it was yours, and when i heard it for real, you were dead. And when i heard you again without knowing it was you, i cried because of an unknown reason. I wish i knew. It's been awfully long, and it's awfully wrong that you arent here. but you are on top of my cool list, so don't worry about being dead. just be happy and rest in peace. My friends said you passed away on the 24th and i told them it was the 21st. I was right. I'm always right. it's nice to think that way. becuase its comforting i guess? well i miss you dearly, and please come back to me in a form of a tree. that'd be nice. i like trees and i like you.
with lots of love and even more love,