Recogitation Run Through a Shredder

May 31, 2009 10:09

My mind has been rather blank lately. It... Perhaps overfull is a better word.

Work at the office has been ramping up quite sharply as of late. It is partly because we've been busy with customers. However, it's also because one of my side projects is reaching a critical phase. For a number of years now, I've been tinkering with a scripting engine. Once I finish a final tweak or two (...and testing, and a concept implementation, etc), I'll be able to present it to the boss. If he likes it, I'll be able to rip out that poor excuse of a mis-implemented automation engine that we're using now. The old system is so painfully (un)designed that you can't even so much as mix comments with the "code". It's so close, I can taste it. Then there are all the technology updates we need: surface-mount circuit board assembly techniques, modern operating system, FPGA, company infrastructure upgrades, etc. The list goes on and on. But this step is the first. If I can get this first project done by the end of the year, it will be quite an accomplishment.

Personal life lately has been... unexpected. My friends are variously delightful and confusing. Sometimes I don't know what they're thinking. And there are times when I really wish I did. Heck. I never realized how many people I could call friend. So many relationships to tend. It's a good feeling.

... How to say this? I've been feeling a shift coming on. That's what I call it when the pattern of my relationships changes. It's too early to say what it all means. So many elements of this new web are still in fog. To sort through the pieces:
  • I now have these friends that live in Brooklyn. Their passion for their craft has inspired me to push on with my own.
  • There's a friend in Jersey I need to spend some more time with. I'm not sure why I feel that way. Best reason to explore something.
  • Thursday night is devoted to swing night at the Fuzebox. Not just for the dancing, but to face the panic inside.
  • My cane work has become something quite unexpected. The contact juggling is an extension of that, and of aikido.
  • My next piece is going to show at Discard Avant Garb on October 17th. I still need to decide on a model, work out technical details, work out the design elements of the next outfit, etc. Oh wait. Does this mean that I actually need to learn how to make clothing? ...
  • Caught up with a bunch of people over labor day weekend. I need to remember to follow up with them.
  • I've been drifting away from aikido lately. It's a bit worrisome. I'm not ready to leave the group. However, after the last poi session at the Corning Preserve, I seriously considered it. My suspicion is that it would be better to stay. If I do stop, it will be because I am being pulled in too many directions.
  • My home computer is not working. Hopefully it's something simple. I don't have the money to replace it.
  • There's this necklace I've been working on. I'm not sure what kind of pendent to attach to the end of it.
  • Family reunion coming up. Better make sure I set aside the vacation time for it.
  • That art group I joined up with, Confluence. Lots of good people there. I'm excited about what's happening with that group. Can't wait until I get to work on "The Lonely Flower". That should be a rather fun piece to show.
  • Need to put together the web site and some business cards. I'm serious about Sensory Notions as a side business, and establishing a presence is an important step.
So much going on. I can barely keep up. I keep having to remember that I can keep up. Quite an amazing thing, that. Didn't know I had it in me.

aikido, art, events, dancing, to-do, sensory notions, cane work, personal, calendar

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