May 04, 2006 22:21

Before I say anything, I need to announce that Eileen's eggs have arrived and incubation has already begun. She is sitting atop 9 cerulean-blue Ameraucana eggs, and in 21 days, we should hopefully have some chicks. Pray that turkeys make good mothers to chickens, though.

And now... the FUN STUFF! Moas, and Tea Parties, and Transfiguration, and LOTS of good stuff behind the cut! AT LAST: the long awaited

Eileen threatens her boys with a little transfiguration treatment! They'll think twice before they have to wreak havoc once more. Meanwhile, she's living it up! Toby sports an incomplete transfiguration into a Jackass, and Severus, a Pheasant.

Cassandra & Sybil take on the Boston tea Party... and take advantage of goofing around with their favourite Brit. :P

I really gotta concentrate on the the more youthful versions of Cassie and Syb (and Severus). Here's a wee sorority girl prank with their school mascot (NO, that's not PRONGS! It's the pet of Artemis-Diana, the white stag). Sybil thinks she's a Cossack Stunt Rider. Note the scheming gleam in Cassie's eyes: she quite well-aware that while her partner's making a complete ass of herself by clinging to a set of antlers bounding all over Ephesus, she's sharing a broom with Severus and is thus conveniently able to place her hands dangerously close to his ... assets!

And... I wanna start drawing more extinct animals. This is a Moa... Sybil's new Pet. XP

Since Sybil reads bird poop for a living (it fortells the future), here are her other feathered acquaintances:

More to come this weekend, God willing!

severus, art, cassandra & sybil, hp

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