One of the more confusing things about DSRK1, admittedly, is that Raidou the 40th says he failed. The player might glean from that that things will continue to follow the old path to destruction, and yet Taisho 20 still exists, and Kudan (who gives similar prophecies in the old games) says that the new future has been forged in the hearts of the people. So you have to realize that R40 only thinks he failed - in reality he succeeded, and R14's future is his own to write as a result.
(Of course, DSRK2 implies that the future merely changed course to follow the equally disastrous timeline of SMTIII instead, but that's unrelated - the fanbook confirms that SMTIII's world is not the SMTI/II world.)
Bonus: if you talk to one of the time travelers he reveals that R40 accomplished the whole possession schtick by writing his consciousness onto that of distant ancestors (the "his black science was tight" dude) so Kaya Daidouji, in the original timeline, was R40's great-great-grandmother or something similar. And given he's of Kuzunoha blood as well... sort of implies that in the original course of events, Raidou/Kaya was probably a reality.
But, alas, the timeline has changed and now Kaya's run off with her lesbian girlfriend during KA and Raidou's stuck with his boss.
B-but if R40 was the descendant of Raidou and Kaya, it would have been a really bad idea to destroy either Raidou or Kaya, because then then R40 would never have existed to go back in time in the first place. R-right? I hate temporal paradoxes.
Obvs I'm coming at this epic uberplot ass-backwards from the side door, and it may be shallow of me, but in true vapid fangirl fashion I don't think I'd want the shadow of future SRS APOCALYPSE BZNSS looming over my lolcats and gay. If the timeline has "officially" changed then so much the better--even if not I'd prolly AU the DSRKverse in my head anyway as am just not a Daaaaark Future sort of schlub. Everyone knows there are infinite possible timelines. A butterfly flaps its wings in Tsukudo-Cho and the future is changed. Or something.
DSRK2 implies that the future merely changed course to follow the equally disastrous timeline of SMTIII instead
If DSRK2 implied this then I am happy to believe Raidou will steer us out of trouble yet again in DSRK3. I mean, my assumption based on the spirit of just these 2 games (independent of the rest of SMT I-III which I have not played) would be that Raidou will succeed in all he does and shepherd the Capital, Japan & THE ENTIRE WORLDDDD into a kinder, gentler, brighter future, in which there is no apocalypse and all penis monsters are safely confined. Because that is how Raidou rolls.
Weeeeelll ultimately R40 will always have to have existed, because if he didn't then he never would have returned to the past to change the timeline, so the timeline would have remained intact, in which R40 would ultimately have existed.
Confusing, I know, but if you pay extra special attention to the end of the game (and buy the cheating fanbook which lays it all out for you in chart form) you'd realize that what R40's actions did is create a separate dimension of Raidou's world. I.e., the worlds of DSRK and SMTI/II are no longer the same - one would have to go backwards and sideways to travel between them. That was what the whole SEVER THE PATH TO THE DARK FUTURE nonsense was about. And yes, it has officially been severed - shit's canon.
Buuuuut that leaves his world open for any sort of possible future and there is one that a particular blond bombshell prefers to the previous Godpocalypse. But you have not played SMTIII and that is a crime, it is easily the best SMT game of the entire series DSRK included, and it is widely available in English for the PS2 so run out and acquire Nocturne immediately for the sake of your soul. To summarize "Louis" is trying in KA to push things down that path. It's up to your choices as Raidou whether or not he succeeds.
I don't think I'd want the shadow of future SRS APOCALYPSE BZNSS looming over my lolcats and gay
You and I are polar opposites, my friend. Lolcats and gay in the Daaark Future = THE BEST.
Am perfectly glad to accept that the worlds of SMT I-II are not the same as DSRKverse, esp. as I have no knowledge of the former ahaha.
Nocturne is on my to-play list. Everyone and their dog seems to agree that it's the best SMT game, so I believe the hype but am not sure it'll be the one I enjoy most, as my tastes are dreadfully lowbrow, they run to happy endings and talking animals.
Reading your talk about these Daaark Future SMT games reminds me of playing FFXII while listening to all the cool kids talk about the Daaark Future in Vagrant Story! Which I also still have not played.
For the sake of narrative the threat of Daaark Future must always be there, so that the forces of love & justice (tm) can be working to prevent it. Gives them something to do besides "relax" at the "hot springs."
Nocturne is the best SMT game I've played, but it definitely isn't a game that will appeal to everyone.
(eg Pretty much everyone seems to agree that the Ivalice games are HIGH QUALITY, but I've yet to actually complete one. I can see why they're good, can see why people'd like it, but at the end of the day it's just not for me. Fuck you Snowfly forest)
Granted so far I've only done the gateway drugs but so far MegaTen is 4 out of 4 hits with me, so I'm prepared to keep going. If Nocturne is that good I'll probably find something to appreciate about it even if it doesn't jackhammer me in my super moemoe happy place. P3 and P4 didn't jackhammer but they were still a fun time.
I am nervous about meeting this Hitoshura person though. Since apparently he is Narumi's big competition XDDD
Oh, I dunno about high quality, FFXII is just Star Wars with bunnygirls in. Which you know as I've seen you draw sky pirates!
Nah like ari said, in the US version the two never meet. Products of wild imagination and all.
Speaking of game recs, did you ever play Shadow Hearts?
(As a historical AU I found it kinda meh; but it's a great game regardless of that! Wacky story with good characters and just the right mix of drama! humour! and moe (mostly delivered in the form of Kurando) The Judgement Ring system is pretty fun though a lot of people find it aggravating idk
Well, people tend to either consider Nocturne or Soul Hackers the best SMT game, but as the latter was never translated the English fandom is stuck with the one (though I have a feeling if that if you are opposed to the DARK FUTURE SH would appeal to you more than the Angry-fiend's Angry Journey of Anger through the desolate remnants of the world).
...I found FFXII kind of bland >_> I purchased it and DSRK1 at the same time and after playing through the intros of both I never picked up FFXII again. I am a heartless evil woman who hates cutesy-wootsy animal people and angsty fifteen-year-old boys who look like ten-year-old girls. Much more up on the quirky uniqueness of the DS games than the Lord of the Star Wars, Only In Japanese RPG Form So All Parts Will Be Played By Gackt.
But your mileage may vary. I get the distinct impression we have utterly different tastes in most things, and yet DSRK has brought us together because it's just the right amount of awesome to appeal to all types. For example, I loved playing in the Daaaark Future of Fallout Half-Life System Shock SMTII as much as I loved playing the forces of love and justice to prevent it. There's nothing sexier than futuristic guns and gas masks, y/y.
Oh man if it's really like that chances are I'll just spend the whole time laughing.
If you get past the intro, Vaan in FFXII is more plucky than angsty--but he does look 10, and he is bland. The game never becomes riveting on the story front. I love the visuals of the world--the landscapes and cityscapes. And the animal people. And the jailbait emperor in tights. Anyway, I don't think it's a great game, objectively speaking, but I enjoyed it like crazy despite its semi-mediocrity.
My favorite game ever otoh (which is a great game, objectively speaking, and I will throw down with anyone who says boo about it) stars a wolf that saves Japan by making flowers grow.
the distinct impression we have utterly different tastes in most things
Nawwww. XD; Although I used to be a CLAMP fan, so there is that.
DSRK does have miraculous powers of awesome; it's nice to feel free to recommend it to almost anyone.
You are playing a protagonist who never smiles. Not even in that faint way that Raidou and Serph do in certain cutscenes. Seriously. Not once.
Eh, I've been told I should soldier on and give it the old college try but I have games to play and the whole world has little in the way of appeal to me, and I haaaaaate cutscenes. With a vengeance. I forgot I was playing a video game after the opening of FFXII. Cutscenes should be a minute or less by law, and the length should be directly proportional to the amount of awesome that is in them.
Also, I hate sky pirates. And Christmas.
Yes! Okami was art. Cutesy with an artistic presentation that worked well within the world, not just to sell the game as moe to undersexed teenagers. Tell me if anyone disses it and I will join you in punching them in the mouth.
Ahhhhh CLAMP. I don't know why you left; was it because they spat on everything you used to love in Tsubasa? That's why I did.
I'm always a little iffy about recommending DSRK1 to people because most people, I find, won't like it. DSRK2 is different, but DSRK1 has that niche appeal for weeaboo history nerds who get all the references but do not need them to be srs bsns.
(Of course, DSRK2 implies that the future merely changed course to follow the equally disastrous timeline of SMTIII instead, but that's unrelated - the fanbook confirms that SMTIII's world is not the SMTI/II world.)
Bonus: if you talk to one of the time travelers he reveals that R40 accomplished the whole possession schtick by writing his consciousness onto that of distant ancestors (the "his black science was tight" dude) so Kaya Daidouji, in the original timeline, was R40's great-great-grandmother or something similar. And given he's of Kuzunoha blood as well... sort of implies that in the original course of events, Raidou/Kaya was probably a reality.
But, alas, the timeline has changed and now Kaya's run off with her lesbian girlfriend during KA and Raidou's stuck with his boss.
Obvs I'm coming at this epic uberplot ass-backwards from the side door, and it may be shallow of me, but in true vapid fangirl fashion I don't think I'd want the shadow of future SRS APOCALYPSE BZNSS looming over my lolcats and gay. If the timeline has "officially" changed then so much the better--even if not I'd prolly AU the DSRKverse in my head anyway as am just not a Daaaaark Future sort of schlub. Everyone knows there are infinite possible timelines. A butterfly flaps its wings in Tsukudo-Cho and the future is changed. Or something.
DSRK2 implies that the future merely changed course to follow the equally disastrous timeline of SMTIII instead
If DSRK2 implied this then I am happy to believe Raidou will steer us out of trouble yet again in DSRK3. I mean, my assumption based on the spirit of just these 2 games (independent of the rest of SMT I-III which I have not played) would be that Raidou will succeed in all he does and shepherd the Capital, Japan & THE ENTIRE WORLDDDD into a kinder, gentler, brighter future, in which there is no apocalypse and all penis monsters are safely confined. Because that is how Raidou rolls.
Confusing, I know, but if you pay extra special attention to the end of the game (and buy the cheating fanbook which lays it all out for you in chart form) you'd realize that what R40's actions did is create a separate dimension of Raidou's world. I.e., the worlds of DSRK and SMTI/II are no longer the same - one would have to go backwards and sideways to travel between them. That was what the whole SEVER THE PATH TO THE DARK FUTURE nonsense was about. And yes, it has officially been severed - shit's canon.
Buuuuut that leaves his world open for any sort of possible future and there is one that a particular blond bombshell prefers to the previous Godpocalypse. But you have not played SMTIII and that is a crime, it is easily the best SMT game of the entire series DSRK included, and it is widely available in English for the PS2 so run out and acquire Nocturne immediately for the sake of your soul. To summarize "Louis" is trying in KA to push things down that path. It's up to your choices as Raidou whether or not he succeeds.
I don't think I'd want the shadow of future SRS APOCALYPSE BZNSS looming over my lolcats and gay
You and I are polar opposites, my friend. Lolcats and gay in the Daaark Future = THE BEST.
Nocturne is on my to-play list. Everyone and their dog seems to agree that it's the best SMT game, so I believe the hype but am not sure it'll be the one I enjoy most, as my tastes are dreadfully lowbrow, they run to happy endings and talking animals.
Reading your talk about these Daaark Future SMT games reminds me of playing FFXII while listening to all the cool kids talk about the Daaark Future in Vagrant Story! Which I also still have not played.
For the sake of narrative the threat of Daaark Future must always be there, so that the forces of love & justice (tm) can be working to prevent it. Gives them something to do besides "relax" at the "hot springs."
(eg Pretty much everyone seems to agree that the Ivalice games are HIGH QUALITY, but I've yet to actually complete one. I can see why they're good, can see why people'd like it, but at the end of the day it's just not for me. Fuck you Snowfly forest)
I am nervous about meeting this Hitoshura person though. Since apparently he is Narumi's big competition XDDD
Oh, I dunno about high quality, FFXII is just Star Wars with bunnygirls in. Which you know as I've seen you draw sky pirates!
Never fear, in the version you'll be playing you'll get a Scary Gaijin who likes to jump off of buildings instead.
Products of wild imagination and all.
Speaking of game recs, did you ever play Shadow Hearts?
(As a historical AU I found it kinda meh; but it's a great game regardless of that! Wacky story with good characters and just the right mix of drama! humour! and moe (mostly delivered in the form of Kurando) The Judgement Ring system is pretty fun though a lot of people find it aggravating idk
Started Shadow Hearts at one point, liked it but failed @ Judgement Ring system so yeah, did not get far.
...I found FFXII kind of bland >_> I purchased it and DSRK1 at the same time and after playing through the intros of both I never picked up FFXII again. I am a heartless evil woman who hates cutesy-wootsy animal people and angsty fifteen-year-old boys who look like ten-year-old girls. Much more up on the quirky uniqueness of the DS games than the Lord of the Star Wars, Only In Japanese RPG Form So All Parts Will Be Played By Gackt.
But your mileage may vary. I get the distinct impression we have utterly different tastes in most things, and yet DSRK has brought us together because it's just the right amount of awesome to appeal to all types. For example, I loved playing in the Daaaark Future of Fallout Half-Life System Shock SMTII as much as I loved playing the forces of love and justice to prevent it. There's nothing sexier than futuristic guns and gas masks, y/y.
Oh man if it's really like that chances are I'll just spend the whole time laughing.
If you get past the intro, Vaan in FFXII is more plucky than angsty--but he does look 10, and he is bland. The game never becomes riveting on the story front. I love the visuals of the world--the landscapes and cityscapes. And the animal people. And the jailbait emperor in tights. Anyway, I don't think it's a great game, objectively speaking, but I enjoyed it like crazy despite its semi-mediocrity.
My favorite game ever otoh (which is a great game, objectively speaking, and I will throw down with anyone who says boo about it) stars a wolf that saves Japan by making flowers grow.
the distinct impression we have utterly different tastes in most things
Nawwww. XD; Although I used to be a CLAMP fan, so there is that.
DSRK does have miraculous powers of awesome; it's nice to feel free to recommend it to almost anyone.
Eh, I've been told I should soldier on and give it the old college try but I have games to play and the whole world has little in the way of appeal to me, and I haaaaaate cutscenes. With a vengeance. I forgot I was playing a video game after the opening of FFXII. Cutscenes should be a minute or less by law, and the length should be directly proportional to the amount of awesome that is in them.
Also, I hate sky pirates. And Christmas.
Yes! Okami was art. Cutesy with an artistic presentation that worked well within the world, not just to sell the game as moe to undersexed teenagers. Tell me if anyone disses it and I will join you in punching them in the mouth.
Ahhhhh CLAMP. I don't know why you left; was it because they spat on everything you used to love in Tsubasa? That's why I did.
I'm always a little iffy about recommending DSRK1 to people because most people, I find, won't like it. DSRK2 is different, but DSRK1 has that niche appeal for weeaboo history nerds who get all the references but do not need them to be srs bsns.
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