WOOOOOOOO-HOOOOO! We did eeeeeet!!! I love the huge crowds cheering outside the White House. Hear that, W? Hahaha! I totally wish I was back in Chicago right now because there is a PARTY goin' on.
Re: California: I tried! I gave money! I sent e-mails! I yelled at the Yes On 8 demonstrators on the corner! Okay, I didn't yell at them, I just honked and flipped them off.
DAMN IT CALIFORNIA. DON'T EFF THIS ONE UP. As the sign held by a man by the side of Highway 1 today proclaimed: "Let Mr. Sulu stay married!"
The scoop so far: Prop 8 supporters are claiming victory BUT there are still, oh, a couple MILLION absentee & provisional ballots to be counted. So though it is reported as 52% Yes/48% No, it is actually still too close to call. I don't know how long it will take them to make a decision.
Comments 14
Re: California: I tried! I gave money! I sent e-mails! I yelled at the Yes On 8 demonstrators on the corner! Okay, I didn't yell at them, I just honked and flipped them off.
DAMN IT CALIFORNIA. DON'T EFF THIS ONE UP. As the sign held by a man by the side of Highway 1 today proclaimed: "Let Mr. Sulu stay married!"
Prop 8: SOBSOB
Hey, look, dueling Ewan icons!
The scoop so far: Prop 8 supporters are claiming victory BUT there are still, oh, a couple MILLION absentee & provisional ballots to be counted. So though it is reported as 52% Yes/48% No, it is actually still too close to call. I don't know how long it will take them to make a decision.
But, take heart, for the SF mayor and those persistent gays are lining up the lawsuits and challenges!
It ain't over yet!
I am holding out hope.
I think I'll go to bed and dream of marriage equality.
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