CLD 121 Journal Entry 10 - Reflective practice with children and families p.p. 225-270

Nov 10, 2006 17:34

From grade one until grade seven, I experienced tired, bored and ready to retire teachers. I would love to say I had a favourite elementary teacher, however this wasn't the case after kindergarten. Physical education was an awful experience growing up. I would have loved to go swimming, skating, wall climbing or anything other than dodgeball, soccer-baseball, or touch tag for half the class. Today, reflective teachers take a new approach to physical education. They realize that children are different, and some may be more inclined that others to participate in sports activities; therefore they plan lessons according to children's needs and interests and available equipment. Reflective teachers are also interested in receiving constructive criticism from children and teachers, as opposed to invariant teachers who base assessment on whether the children liked the lesson and how long they stayed interested.

The reflective teacher can think critically about the children in their classroom and are able to devise a plan to provide a meaningful learning environment. Self reflection is an important process, considering fairness regarding ethical issues of race, culture and gender. Teachers must engage their students, and give them the tools so their students can make proper decisions and devise solutions to every day problems. In caring centered education, teachers are concerned with development of the child as a whole, a safe and caring environment, and a teacher-student relationship built on trust. Today in class in we came up with an ideal teaching environment, in groups, and some of those values included enough play time, health promotion for nutrition, physical education and sexual education, equity, creativity, and organization but more choices.

I enjoyed the cake metaphor in the texbook; after mixing the ingredients together it's not possible to see all the ingredients, however without the specific ingredients like flour, eggs, milk or chocolate, it would not be a cake! So when all the right parts of reflective teaching are thrown in the mix, a positive outcome is created that puts the child first in their journey of life long learning.
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