Name: Dracotic Cannibal, but Dracotic is fine...
LJ username: Dracotic
Valid e-mail: DracoticCannibal@yahoo.com
Name: Jojer
Gender: Male
Species: Beauceron
Anthro or Feral?: Feral
Eyes: Completely white, no pupil...
Description: He's the exact breed standard of the Beauceron, down to the double dewclaws on each hind paws and cropped ears...
Breed info here...The ONLY things different are his eyes which are stark white, and his tongue which is a maroon/magenta color...He also has a polymorph ability that I had given him, so he can have extra limbs/tails/sets of jaws(He doesn't know how to control it very well)
Wardrobe: N/A
Accessories: N/A
Preferred environment: Anywhere following me...I'm usually found in rain, darkness...On the seaside in a storm...
Personality: Completely animalistic and feral, please no human expression...Snarls are great...
Reference Pictures:
Beauceron -
http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/beauceron.htmJojer Bust -
http://dracoticcannibal.deviantart.com/art/Jojer-The-Beauceron-62148408Magenta/Maroon color reference for tongue-
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b279/dracoticcannibal/DracoticRehposolihp.png Theme (optional): I'm not picky...a plain dark background is fine, but if you wanted to be elaborate, in the rain, or on the beach in a storm is nice...