Breathe in... breathe out... in for four... out for eight... in four... out eight... in... out... in... out... in...
Breathing, such a regular involuntary task with so much power.
Take a deep breath, hold it for three... slowly let it out... again, breathe in deep... hold it, breathe out...
So smooth, so regular. As life sustaining as a heartbeat.
In, beat beat, out, beat beat, in, beat beat, out, beat beat...
Don't even think about it. It's involuntary. Steady as a beating drum. In... and out...
In... cough sputter cough cough cough!! Gasp in cough cough cough... wheeze gasp... cough cough cough. That steady reliable beat comes to a screaching hault.
Inhaler, where's the inhaler.. Puff puff!! Inhail slow and steady, hold. out... easy, not too hard... arms up above the heart. That's it. breathe in... out... in.. cough cough cough... that's it, in and out...
Every breath a struggle.
A tiny bit of relief. in... and out... in... and out...
Asthma. Everyone knows what it is. The silent killer that disrupts the beat of life. It threatens the most primitive of regularities the involuntary activity without which life can not exist.
Breathing. Don't take it for granted. Next time you do, it might just beat you.
Author's Note: I've been struggling to get my asthma back under control for over two weeks now. When it's controlled, I hardly think about it, but when it's not, It's all I can think about. Not all people with asthma wheeze. Some of us cough. So others don't realize we need help until things are too bad for us to talk.
This has been my entry for February Week One of
brigits_flame. Thanks for reading. I appreciate any comments. I'll post when the poll opens.