Nov 22, 2005 00:00
Good Morning! It is exactly 12:00am on Tuesday! How are you all doing? ^_^
Sorry about spaz-fest 2005 last time, I definitely am looking forward to vacation. Vacation which will come after today! I think my first act as a free girl will be to take a deserved nap, since I'm forcing myself to take it nice and slow tonight despite my fatigue and get things done thoroughly. No one will say I'm a lazy student who goes to bed at midnight! (that's a joke, most people go to bed at 11:00 after having finished homework hours previous)
Anyway, I think I took THE most boring English quiz today. The second portion of it focused entirely on re-writing a passage about some expedition to Alaska. Not only was it boring, there was hardly a point to it because although we were supposed to correct errors in agreement as we went, they were few and far between. I am positive my eyes glazed over at some points, ugh -.- In the whole thing I only found 9 errors, the lowest number I've heard so far. Nicole got 11, Anj got 10. We shall see who is right!
The essay test (can't believe that I took that today, it seems like it was forever ago) in History probably did not go well. I couldn't really marshall my thoughts and he had intentionally made it so that if you chose the wrong prompt, you wouldn't have much to write about. That explains a lot. Ugh.
Oh well, after this I have to re-read 3 chapters of the Scarlet letter, a task I will intersperse with history homework, and after both of those are complete I will type up the answers to the ch 9-11 questions. After that, I will type my chapter opinion for ch9 and that will be that. I'll finish editing and I will print my Journalism pieces (can you believe they're going to cut out half of my reviews probably? I nearly killed myself for those!). After that I believe I have an art picture to print, a little bit of chem I should probably do, and then it's time for bed! Booyah. In the morning, must print lab report and rest of chapter nine.