A Most Unusual Day - Tag: Adam_Kaufman

Sep 23, 2012 22:22

(( Continued from here!))
The first thing to wake up was her nose as it sniffed the air, which smelled like Adam's cologne and... pizza? Also, she could vaguely hear some sort of music in the background. She yawned as her eyes fluttered open. For a moment, she was confused, but then it quickly dawned on her what had happened earlier. They were still in the same position they fell asleep in - she was sitting sideways on his lap, using him as her man-pillow. Carefully so as to not wake Adam, she lifted her head up from his chest and scanned the room. There were no more threats nearby. In fact, they both appeared to be in a totally different location than before. There were... singing animals on stage? And arcades... And rides... And a ball pit. They were in Chuck E. Cheese's!

And not only that, it must have been after closing time, because there was no one else there. At this realization, she got a huge smile on her face and almost squeaked with happiness. She'd always wanted to go to a place like this but her dad said it'd be too dangerous... for the other kids. Pff! Whatever that meant. There was so much trouble fun they could get into in there. One thing she wanted to do first was make a pizza, because she was completely starving. She could make pie. Pizza was a kind of pie. They should be just fine, right?

With a plan of action in mind, her attention turned back to her new, adorable pet and she wondered how best to wake him. Shock him? That was her first instinct. But no, she wanted to be nice to this one. He was different. She leaned up and sat her chin on his as she gently stroked his magnificent eyebrows. "Adam... I'm hungry. Will you help me cook?"

adam kaufman

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