Mar 05, 2009 11:22
So I have started a new journal. I haven't touched livejournal in ages for the most part, I've changed journals at least three or four times since I've been on Livejournal, and before that Deadjournal. I have decided to create a new journal for several reasons, as follows:
1. I wanted a journal that reflected more who I am now. A lot of things have happened over the past few years that have drastically changed me, and there were several things I was in denial about, things that I tried to change due to other peoples' expectations, and I wasn't happy. For the past year, I've finally been doing things for myself and have been returning to my true self in a sense. Maybe I'll go into everything in more detail at a later date, but the point is I've changed since the last journal I created and regularly wrote in.
2. Several of my friends are active on here, and I wanted to try to involve myself in livejournal again so I could keep up with them better. I tried getting back into my old account and just couldn't do it. I'm thinking that a new account, with a fresh start, less clutter and such, might help me get interested in the site again.
3. Speaking of clutter, I had a ton of journals and communities on my old journal. I didn't know who half of them were, some were old journals that weren't posted to anymore, some were communities that I wasn't really participating in. I thought I'd start from scratch and re-add anyone who wanted back in or people who I knew still talked to me on a regular or semi-regular basis. I've begun the process of adding anyone back who I know and who still updates regularly. If you knew me by my other name and would like to be added to this new journal, just reply to this and I'll likely add you back. Newcomers are welcome to request an add too. I generally don't bite...unless you like that sort of thing.
So here I am beginning again. The cycle continues.