Feb 12, 2013 10:03
It's been eight weeks since I left James.
Honestly I had been thinking about it for months until finally enough was enough. I was tired of being the only ears in our conversations and
feeling used and neglected. It started to feel like I was living with a ghost. He's moved away to Orlando which is a blessing because it gives me
room to breath. Melbourne is not a place were you can move on in such circumstances, it's too small and crowded.
I met someone. Which is nice, someone to keep me company and make me laugh. Also understanding my strange, which is not easy to come
by. No one is saying it but I know everyone is thinking "It's too soon!" but what everyone fails to realize is once I am done...that's it. I have no
more to give and I move on. Anyway, back to the wonderful someone I met he's really rather attractive, sweet and yet he still pushes my
buttons. He's honest and listens to me. I'm more than happy with how things are going. It's not serious and I am more than okay with that. =]
I started being artistic again, well once. I made him a drawing and though I wasn't much with a sketch pad it came out pretty damn awesome. I
can't wait to give it to him. I never did much of anything creative for or with James. I wanted a hobby so badly when I was with James and I
forgot who I was and what kind of things I enjoy doing on my own. So, with that I am happy and I think I will be purchasing some paints and
other supplies soon.
I took a break from school...but I'm doing some vocational schooling for work (which is great because I have a different, more challenging
position at work more on that later though). I'm debating on if I can handle summer classes at BCC or not. Either way I am going back in the
fall. I need to stop freaking myself out about finishing college. So to make it easier on myself I'm only going part time in the fall.
On the work deets... well I am a HUC now...which means I am a secretary on top of being a CNA. So I do everything I did before as well as
answering the phones, calling consults and orders for the doctors and nurses. It's really keeps me busy that's for sure! Plus it will help me with
nursing school, I'm starting to see what labs and procedures doctors order and why. Also have you ever seen a doctors handwriting?
You really have to decode that shit. Also so many accents to figure out! OH- I also work in a different department now, I've moved from
telemetry to the PCU (it's a step up from cardiac and a step down from ICU)! Hmmm...what else? I'm making some friends at work!
Speaking of friends! Charissa and I are back to being close again. I really missed her and everything in her life is finally coming together
she's starting to see that she needed to make changes! I'm so proud of her, she's become such a great mother! =] It's funny because
I feel like when we first had our kids I was the one more intune with motherly instincts and well now shes all over it. Aden was an easy baby
and well he's a kid now! and he's getting so bossy ha!
Living arrangements? I'm back at my moms, which is not where I really want to be but I could really use the help and it will save me das
That's all I've got for now! Over and out Livejournal
XO- Jenna