Nov 28, 2011 00:18
Or rather Girl Gaggle. This is going to be my first Vlog topic.
What is a gaggle of girls exactly? Well to put it in the easiest form possible I'm going to paint you some pictures in your brain. Here's one're at the bar and you see this group of may be as few as two or as many as five...maybe even more. In many instances these girls, ladies, women or whatever will keep company that mirrors their vanity. Such as at the bar you see a group of ladies and they are all decked out with their "fits" and brand name hand bags (or look alikes because they really want to fool you that they are in fact celebrities) They spend way too long applying mac or again something like NYC on their naturally flawed faces and much like Gretchen* from mean girls-- their hair is full enough to hide all their gossip. These ladies typically do not dance, do not engage with anyone until approached and then most certainly will shut you down because they have daddy issues.
On the other hand...this group may also have a much less attractive girl lurking around. Every Batman needs a Robin, right? FALSE. This is a trick. One to make them stand out or possibly to fool you into thinking they are not completely full of them selves....In this case the more attractive girls leech onto the "4" ( or less on the 1-10 scale) and make her feel important, needed or beautiful. This poor girl is an idiot and has even less self esteem than the bitch she's following around trying to feel higher in the world. With out the "4"s knowledge the other girl or girls will most certain keep her around to watch her fail and grovel.. As well as humor..They take pride in gossip and treating her like a Karen.
Now what I want to know is WHY?! This is exactly the reason why a man is dating you and he doesn't want to be around your friends because either your a bitch or you're self destructive unfortunate looking friend is trying to hit on him.
I'm not saying its bad to have friends that are girls if you're the same gender... It's just a dangerous mix and it becomes easier to fall into traps with people of this nature. So say no to alpha females and yes to you're own amazing attributes. Because let's face it, you'll stand out much better without a painted up false "10" keeping you around to make her feel like top shelf.