Twenty-Eight Stars

Jan 20, 2008 15:08

You know, after hearing his name being brought up and then lumped into a larger group in the context of incompetents, clowns, the inexperienced, ne'er-do-wells, power-grabbers and general jokes, a man is liable to start to get a little cranky. Is that okay?! Am I allowed to be kind of angry about this? I'm pulling out anyway, but it would be nice to NOT BE IGNORED WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO DELIVER A MESSAGE ONCE IN A WHILE. I REALLY HOPE SOME OF GET YOU STRUCK DOWN BY THE HEAVENS WITH LIGHTNING BOLTS OR SOMETHING. I should vote for the bite-to-death kid just to spite you all!

I think I'm pulling out of this race. I really do appreciate your confidence, Kou-chan, I do, but honestly holding an office means taking on responsibilities like not coming in whenever you feel like it and not coming in hung over when you do. Also, I don't want to give anybody else a reason to try to kill me.

You know, after considering everything carefully, that Vimes fellow seems to be the best candidate.

Although to be completely honest, Sawada Tsunayoshi-kun would be an ideal candidate in ten years, and should we all still be around by then-- knock on wood --I would be glad to give him my full support. ♥

[ooc: strikes totally hackable. totally. sakamoto <3 passive-aggressive]

kou-chan, can i cry now?, a healthy economy, my politics let me show you them, not just a normal idiot, a lesson here for everyone, tsuna-chan, he gets this way sometimes, money is the answer, god hates you all

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