Forty Stars

Feb 11, 2008 16:57

Apparently the China-san doesn't know what 'sex' is yet, even at her age, so I thought it might be useful to inform her and anyone else who doesn't quite understand! Understandable, I know there are some species who reproduce asexually and whatnot, hahaha...

You see, when a man and a woman or a woman and a woman or a man and a man or two sentient creatures of indeterminate gender like one another very much, after a while they want to get closer. So they have a little drink and then crawl into bed together and somebody usually inserts something into somewhere that feels nice. Afterwards, they love one another even more and decide to perform a legally binding ceremony of religious or secular meaning wherein they promise to share one another's sadness and happiness and liquid and non-liquid assets, sometimes with a financial agreement in case of emergency.

Then they live happily ever after!

i believe i may regret this, swear to drunk i am not god, drunk off my ass, picking out china, optimistic viewpoint, where babies come from, we're going to the chapel, gintoki is a good waif, deep tatsuma is deep

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