I've been re-reading Terry Pratchett's "Thief of Time" during my lunch time at the office. They were going on about perfect moments.
Well, today I had one :)
My 'baby boy' taking a nap with mommy! Pic taken with flash, you can see him resting his paw and head on my arm. So cute! He just crawled between the space of my arm and body and cuddled there. *squee!*
I love that cat to bits. All I have to do is shake that pink blanket around and he knows what mom's up to. :D Nap Time!!
Time flies... he will be 7 this year. But he's still my littul kitton ;D
(I love Neko a lot too, but Poes has definitely built a stronger bond with me than her. She's more independent and never joins me for naps hehe :) )