Jul 14, 2009 14:26
Today I was supposed to work with the waiting-for adoption cats. I could clean their enclosures and stuff, but after that they called me back to the quarantine cats since they needed lots of help there.
It was cute, I could skip the Mean Kitty enclosure for once (it had already been done by someone else) and could work in the enclosure with the 6 kittens instead! I spent most of the day cleaning the cages there, doing the floor, washing some laundry, refilling litter trays... I kinda feel bad because I left the girl I was supposed to work with today kind of alone. I did explain why and all, she seemed understanding, but still, I hope she wasn't pissed or anything.
Also, the shelter manager wants to give me a voluntary-worker contract, to have more control about how many hours I work, I think I also get some kind of accident insurance (and the aansprakelijkheidverzekering too, I believe, dunno how to translate that so sue me.)
I'll get to hear more about it when she returns from her holidays. :D
Anyway, in a bit I will be off to the supermarket, I am out of allergy pills and today I could notice it clearly, my chest was tight and my eyes were itchy and my nose was sniffly... (no working with chlorine today, so it was weird that my chest felt so tight...)
I'll also get some catfood and probably something for dinner tonight. We plan on hitting the gym earlier than usual and perhaps have dinner afterwards instead of eating first and then going to exercise. We'll see how that works out :)