I've been feeling moody the past few days, it's like it takes very little to piss me off, whether it is customers, colleagues, LJ posts, stuff on TV....
Good thing the pissyness doesn't last long, it's just a grrness that comes and goes. But yeah.
Yesterday I was watching "Van etter tot engel" on TV. Whether it is staged or not, it pisses me off LOL, (almost just as much as fucking Temptation Island)
Those teenage jackasses who treat their parents like shit and feel they are so "cool" cause they do drugs and dress goth and emo, and and they feel so "speshul" and "different" and "hyper".... Pbbt. One evening in the desert in the middle of nowhere and they are all like babies whining for their mommies. *rolls eyes*
A minute ago you see this girl telling to the camera: "I always lie to get what I want." And then she's crying her eyes out and swearing she didn't do any evil and wants to go home, like a 3 year old, I swear. Good luck having everyone at the camp believe you after you spent 2 minutes boasting about your lies, biotch.
Heheh... This is why I should stick to the National Geographic channel only :P
How about you, is there a TV program that annoys you like whoa? I'm curious....