First things first, you know how pissed I was about the bad weather? It turns out we didn't have not one single raindrop in Lowlands. It stormed somewhere else but we managed to stay nice and dry (and warm too!)
So the weather was absolutely perfect. Not too sunny, and warm enough to be walking around on a t-shirt. W0000t!
Cool things:
1) I saw most of the bands I wanted to see, but we decided to skip Korn and leave earlier, to avoid the hordes of people waiting for a bus and at the train-ticket queue. We also wanted to be home soon to feed the cat and everything.
2) I didn't get stomped on by anyone this time, so no scary moments for me! ;) (even while watching The Prodigy, which was when I freaked out during my first lowlands)
3) Nightwish ruled, as usual. I so want that woman's voice, hair and outfits, grr.
4) Apocalyptica, mmmmmmm. *drool* There's something incredibly appealing about hot guys with long hair who play chellos like whoa and speaking German. *nod* I enjoyed listening to them, although it was very difficult to see them on stage, and the camera NEVER zoomed in. Grr.
5) M. Manson: It was cool to see him live, however I was expecting more from his show, like... blood and fire and crazy things... But there was nothing of the sort. The weirdest he did was wear something on his head that strongly resembled The Sorting Hat. Nevertheless, he played all the songs that I like so it was cool to hear him live.
Not so cool things:
1) We had given our tent to one of Jeroen's friends so that they could save us a spot. (I had in mind that they would take the base out of the bag and spread it, so that no other tents could be placed on that space.) Well, no one saved us a spot, and our tent was lying there forgotten. Jeroen and I had no choice but to place our tent in a very inconvenient spot, which was a bit inconvenient for a couple of tents, and not so "gezellig", but it was that or going to a different camping. and find a spot. So we decided to settle for the tight spot.
2) One of Jeroen's friends kept going: 'who's the idiot who put this tent here!!' He kept tripping on it on purpose too, throwing empty cans of beer and trash at our tent, I dunno. It pissed me off bigtime heh. That is the same dude who was taunting me with a balloon once so as you can see, I wasn't too patient with him and actually confronted him by asking how difficult was to mind his step and not trip all over our tent. He doesn't trip with the other tents, so why was ours so different? I dunno. It made me really grr and it's the kind of attitude I can't stand from people. And no, if you were careful, you didn't have to trip all over our tent, there was enough space for people to walk there.
3) Headaches: I had a headache every day. I think it was from the sun. I tend to squint a lot with the light and maybe that messes up my contacts, and therefore I get headaches. Heh, I dunno but it was really annoying. Luckily some aspirines did the trick.
4) There was no THEO this time ;)
I guess that's it for now heheh.
I am allowed to leave earlier today again, but I will have to work till 6 on wednesday to cover up for another colleague.
So byeeeee,