Aug 24, 2010 22:13

HELLO! So Catsy loves stealing, probably to the point of compulsive addiction, and she'll lay off for a bit because there are (presumably) no priceless works of art/gems/artifacts/etc in camp, but then she'll probably just start stealing shit for the hell of it.

SO my question for people is-

a. Does your character have anything Catsy would totally obsess over stealing (art/gems/artifacts/etc)? Once she goes small time, what about jewellery, gold coins, other valuables, other shiny things?

b. Are you willing to let Catsy steal it?

c. How easy would it be for her? Keeping in mind Catsy has no super powers, per se, but the THING SHE DOES THE BESTEST is stealing and then, um, running away (running away is like 85% of how she fights, just in general. HUZZAH!)

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