*Meow* Predictions of the Future *Meow*

Jul 23, 2005 00:26

Tracey and Elisa Predict the Future!!!

Kristen will graduate from U of D and become an architect. She will build a subdivision called grove just for the cool people! That includes the neighbors because they are our friends and are engineers! We love engineers! Kristen will design all of our houses, Dominique will landscape them, Tracey will move us in and furnish our houses, and Elisa will finance them. Also Mario will be the community bartender (tips accepted) he will also power wash our houses on a weekly basis. Neighbor Joe will bring us food so we don't get hangovers and he will also debush all of our cracks! Neighbor Chad will not walk in on neighbor Tracey and neighbor Tracey will not walk in on neighbor Chad taking care of some business but not with each other. Neighbor Tracey only spoons! Neighbor George will still be stealing cigarettes from Neighbor Mario and Neighbor Joe. Us in the Grove Subdivision will get over their commitment issues, get married and have lots and lots of babies who will be around the same age and will be best friends like their parents. We will be around 34 and still be stalking people/our kids on AIM, Livejournal and My Space. We will spend our weeknights on our porches, rotating between all of our houses, not to trash one house more than the other. We will spend our weekends recovering from our weekdays. Mario will probably still be collecting unemployment. Dominique will support him and his habits by taking over her parents place of business, They will also have Gary! Tracey will own her own business. Elisa will own her own bank. Standard Federal Bank will become Mrs. Elisa S____ Bank for people who live in the grove subdivision ONLY. NO more NSF fees! yay for Mario! Neighbor Kristen can lay in the hallway naked all the time because she designed her house and noone can see her unless she wants them too. Neighbor Elisa will have her own room in her house specifically for Ramen Noodle throwing! Neighbor Tracey WILL have Stadium Seating! Its fun to spoon on! We will drink on wednesdays and Thursdays! Pants will still be optional for boys after 10 P.M. The Frog will still stay on the front porch! Neighbor George will not steal it.

P.S. We will say *Meow* before and after E V E R Y T H I N G! (*Meow*)

Thats it for now on the predictions of the future from Neighbor Elisa and Neighbor Tracey! More to come very shortly but it is the weekend and we are recovering from the week! SO on that note

*Meow* GOODNIGHT *Meow*
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