muse_shuffle February Disc 2, Track 12

Feb 27, 2009 13:27

12. Won't you take me by the hand/take me somewhere new
I don’t know who you are/but I... I'm with you
[‘I’m With You’ - Avril Lavigne]

Molly's been having odd dreams lately.

They're not bad ones, like the nightmares she had of Sylar after her parents died or the ones of Maury Parkman watching her. And they're not like the dreams she has sometimes of her, Mohinder and Matt living together in India like the family she wishes they still were. They're just...different.

There's a girl in them, around her age or maybe younger. Molly recognizes her as a student at the school she attends in Chennai but doesn't know her name. She sees her standing in the hallway at school, staring at Molly; there are other students around them but they're all blurred, like they don't matter. No words are spoken in the dream. No monsters or roaches come suddenly popping out of the classroom doors threatening to devour her or the other girl. It's just Molly and the girl, staring at each other.

Somehow Molly knows this girl is special, like her. It's almost like how she knows where Matt and Mohinder are whenever she tries looking for them. This unknown girl has a power, but just like her name Molly doesn't know what it is. And every time Molly wakes up knowing that she has to find this girl and let her know that she isn't alone. Someone needs to tell her that it's okay to be special.

And, for some reason, Molly feels she is that person.

Muse; Molly Walker
Word count: 235

plot: heroes in madras, muse shuffle

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