muse_shuffle November Disc 2 Track 7

Nov 23, 2008 16:20

07. What goes around comes around right? (right) // How you treat people is how they treat you back
(1200 Techniques - ‘Karma’)

She came home from school one day, giggling about a new boy at school and how some of the other kids had been making fun of him. Her mom had said it wasn't nice and told Molly about the 'Golden Rule' and how she should treat people the way she would like to be treated.

When she and Matt moved in with Mohinder, the scientist taught her about the concept of something called "karma". The more good things you did, he explained, then the more good things happened to you. But if you did bad things then bad things started to happen.

Sometimes she wonders if she did something really, really bad to attract the attention of people like Sylar and Maury Parkman.

Muse: Molly Walker
Fandom: Heroes
Word count: 123

muse shuffle

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