
Apr 24, 2008 10:53

 Given Becky's recent entries, I decided to follow suit and spend some time in the sun in the hopes of relaxation (and a nice tan wouldn't hurt, either). It worked better than expected!

Even though I live in Miami, FL, where it's sunny most of the time, I don't get to be out in the sun. I'm either inside at class or inside doing work or, lately, inside on job interviews.  Tuesday, when I got home from class, I decided to grab my trusts and estates book and do my final reading assignment of the semester while laying out by the pool.  I donned by tankini and first took a dip in the pool (which was FREEZING, at least to me) and then laid out in the sun and warmth.  There was a gentle breeze and the temp was just about was perfect.  I read the assignment faster than normal and just listened to music and soaked up the warmth.  It was exactly what I needed to feel re-energized.

Today, I finished my last class of my law school career at 9:15 am. I have to hang around until 12:30 to donate to the Class of 2008 Gift, so I decided to outline. I stayed outside outlining, in the sun, until my laptop battery almost died.  Now, I'm in the library, but somehow, I just don't seem to care. I'm so energized from the sun that I am completely re-focused.  I need to do this at least once a week.

Let's see....I think that's about it.  
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