Nov 19, 2007 20:47
While it sucks seeing your breath fog the air in the morning, the nicest part about biking to school is the fact that, if you've accidentally left your bike in a strange position and the sun hits it at JUST the right angle, then even though it's cold enough to see your breath, you're sitting on a very toasty seat. It's like having my own heated toilet seat...on a bike! It's very nice.
Today, I dug out my gloves b/c my hands are getting too cold against the downhill wind, and last week, I got a zip-up sweater. I don't think I'll need the heavy coat until Dec or Jan still--well, I probably should because it's somewhere b/w 6 and 12 degrees Celsius, but if I break it out now, then when it's really cold, I'll freeze to death. I feel that I just have thin blood b/c I lived in FL for so long. Then again, I found out today that my town is one of the coldest areas in all of Kyushu b/c we're boxed in by mountains, but really, that still isn't bad, because it only flurried, like, two or three times last year and nothing stuck. So it can't be that bad, right? I've just turned into a complete wuss. I grew up in PA--and I want to move to New England! Come on, now!
On the lighter side of things, I get to leave the junior high an extra hour early all three days this week. Last week, I stayed after for a total of six overtime hours because I was helping a few third-year students practice for an oral/reading English Proficiency speech exam thingie that they had in Sasebo City yesterday.
I saw two of the kids today, and the boy said he had been so nervous and thinks he only did so-so, while the girl said she think it went "okay." I'll see the other three kids tomorrow when I teach 3-2. Oh, and I totally have to put my lesson on here when I can take good pics of it. I spent eight hours drawing comic strip panels for their grammar worksheet and did a rough sketch-draft of it the day before that! They seem to like it, though. Better than an ordinary worksheet, right? Plus, this is Japan, and kids worship manga here, so when they see comics--even if I'm not the world's best artist--they fawn all over getting to write their own strip. *laughs* I'm quite impressed and happy. ^_^
Ohh, and I found out today that I can attend Siebold University's Spring Intensive in February, even though it's during three school days. YAY!!!