The past few days have been quite crazy in terms of everything - the weather was crazy (sunny, raining, hail, snowing, yes snowing, all in the same day) everything was crazy, but yesterday it all calmed down and when I woke up today and saw the sun, I felt so refreshed!
And also things in the fandom - I'm so excited for the new Arashi ni Shiyagare format, it seems a lot like fun. Also excited for the new single, Hawaii Blast DVD and loads of other stuff that will be coming this April.
But I'm more happy for Hey! Say! JUMP. When I heard that they are going to be the personality of 24hours TV I was so delighted! I felt a sudden surge of pride and thought "they made it" I'm really glad to see that they are slowly building up their way to the top - they might not be on the very top but can very much get close to it ;w; At least I want to believe so. With all the new things coming up - Hikaru and Inoo having a new radio show, members starring in new dramas and movies, releasing a new single... collabs with other JE's (cast of Inoo-chan's drama was confirmed to be the guest team in VS Arashi in few weeks!) I hope that they will just get more and more job offers! ;w; You can make it!
When I see all of that, I feel motivated and I feel like everyone is making a fresh step forward.
Maybe I should do so too.
Btw, this is a photo I just took this morning. I had an urge to take a picture so I just ran outside still in my pyjamas and took it haha ♥ It's an apricot tree in front of our house. Can't wait until it blossoms completely.
Gotta slowly get back to do my stuff~