(no subject)

Feb 28, 2010 22:06

Nascar was so awesome! Kinda crazy too....I ran into an old friend of mine from jr high/high school that I just happened to be talking about the other day. Other than that there were lots of drinks. Jack and Coke with losts of beer to top it off. And we just had perfect timing when it came to parking and leaving the event center, It only took us like 20 minutes to get in and out of the parking lot, which is like a world record when it comes to Nascar.

And for my first time ever I had Rebertos! And it was AMAZING! The bean and cheese burrito makes anyones day!

Although through all of this it sort of took a lot out of me to put on a happy face. I had an upsetting event happen to me this morning and I just knew since Friday I would get the news but I had just hoped for different. The specifics of course I'll keep to myself (which I guess doesnt make for a very good journal) so I guess all Im going to say about this is that its nothing I cant get over because I just saw it coming.

Oh well....Cant get everything you want, right?

Time to get to bed....
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