Apr 19, 2005 10:14
Which art in Neiman's,
Hallowed be thy shoes.
Thy Prada come,
Thy shopping done
On Rodeo
As it is in Paris.
Give us this day our Visa Platinum,
And forgive us our balances
As we forgive those who charge us interest.
Lead us not into Penney's
And deliver us from Sears.
For thine is the Chanel, Louis Vuitton,
Hermes and the Versace,
For Dolce and Gabbana...
lol Armani is a clothing brand (if ya didn't know) it was on my guard insructor (mr hipp((he's gay)))'s away message. hehe. Interesting.. I'm doing good on my diet so far!!!! For breakfast I had a jello fruit cup thingy with oranges and strawberries. Yummy. 90 calories. 22 grams of sugar though. Oh well. For lunch I'm going to eat a Ranchero salad from Sonic.. they're pretty good and like the only low fat thing there. And for dinner I'm going to have subway! yay. I get paid tomorrow. Score!
I went to Kolors by Keisler today. They're an auto body repair place. I had to go there to get an estimate on how much it would cost to fix my piece-of-dent. The dude estimated it $2,400.13. Wow. Glad I'm not paying that! Since I doubt my sis is coming back home and being able to drive, I'm most likely getting the choice to keep the tbird. I don't know. I could keep it, or get rid of it and try and get another car that doesn't rattle and doesn't have like 200k miles on it. But it's got a v8 and a 350 and it's really powerful and it's got leather seats and a sunroof and maybe potential. I'm just afraid that if I get it fixed up like I want (different color than pearl, dark tinted windows, rims, a system...) that it'll break down or something and I dunno if it's worth all that work. grrawrr... gotta be at work at 11..