A million bucks? Jeez-Louise! You
get any of that?
Thirty five thousand. That's what
he left me.
Dollars? Holy shit, that's great!
Like winnin' a lottery...
(off Hadley's shitty look)
...ain't it?
Dumbshit. What do you figger the
government's gonna do to me? Take a
big wet bite out of my ass, is what.
Oh. Hadn't thought of that.
Maybe leave me enough to buy a new
car with. Then what happens? You
pay tax on the car. Repairs and
maintenance. Goddamn kids pesterin'
you to take 'em for a ride...
And drive it, if they're old enough.
That's right, wanting to drive it,
wanting to learn on it, f'Chrissake!
Then at the end of the year, if you
figured the tax wrong, they make
you pay out of your own pocket.
Uncle Sam puts his hand in your
shirt and squeezes your tit till
it's purple. Always get the short
end. That's a fact.