Jul 27, 2007 15:38
I would first like to state that yes I work hard and yes I fuck off at work and read the internet, check my email, check my myspace and do God only knows what else when I should be working as well. However, I do not spend my whole fucking day gossiping with every damn person who walks by as to be social. I have a job I get paid to do, I don't get paid to make fucking friends with narrow minded shit holes that can't think beyond their reason and yet judge everyone else on how they believe someone should act, react, think, live, and make decisions. One of the reason I hate this fucking town (for the most part) is people like this. Yes I know people like this are everywhere, I've met a lot of them. Keeps me being sane to stay the fuck away from the masses. I don't care to debate although lately I find myself doing it more and fucking more with these people that are so 'worldly' and 'intelligent' yet I'm wrong and they are right. That's not how debates fucking work.
And now the fight...
Being that it's friday and people in my group are almost ALWAYS on some fucking website, something terrible happened today and it was spread like fucking wild fire. Two helicopters crashed into each other somewhere in town, and honestly I don't know if everyone died or not. "Jackass" 1 comes up to me to tell me this tragic news (I do believe it is a tragic accident as are most all that happen more and more lately) and I don't know why, but my first reaction was to laugh. {To clarify, my laughter was NOT at the people hurt/injured or dead, but at the way this accident happened}. I was told two helicopters who were in the sky together somehow didn't see each other and crashed into each other, whether the traffic below was that freaking interesting that you're not paying attention where you're at and what you're doing and the stuff around you... I don't know. I laughed, I couldn't stop myself, I fucking laughed.
My laughter was not well received.. immediately THAT was then spread like fucking wild fire and "Jackass" 2 thought it appropriate to come over and fucking lecture me about the way I reacted. I was so fucking pissed off that someone would have the fucking balls to come to me and tell me how I should react to a situation. I asked her not to lecture me and she told me, "No I'm going to lecture you." I then said, "I was not laughing at the people who might have died, I was laughing at the situation." And she would not get off my case, and I had to basically tell her, "Dude, today is not the day to lecture me and to get out of my cube and go away." It caused a small scene. After that, there was silence in the row and everyone was IMing each other about my reaction.
What the fuck is going on when people stop working over something like that. People are dying every fucking day in Iraq so that we can have the freedom we do, not even that anymore. They're just fucking dying. Does anyone stop working to talk about that? Does anyone look around and ask my opinion on that? Am I fucking laughing at that!
Planes crash into buildings and interviewers are given graphic descriptions of people's bodies burning. Does anyone stop to talk about that? Does the world stop in that moment and I'm a jerk because I don't stop working for that and I don't have the look of shock and awe. People are dying every fucking day in some way shape or form, and in various horrific ways and I'm being lectured.
This was not the World Trade Center, this was not an act of terrorism. This was two pilots not paying attention and an accident happened. I'm sorry that I laughed now, I'm sorry I was not like the fucking bandwagon and stopped everything I was doing so I could jump on the internet to look for fucking pictures of this accident. That is more morbid than me laughing.
I'm so tired of high school!