♥ ~ *20*

Jul 24, 2008 20:56

O, no! The City is more genius now! I don't like the "You-Have-to-Wear-the-Last-Outfit-You-Were-Wearing-At-Home-When-You-Saw-Your-Favourite-Person-Even-If-You-Weren't-Wearing-an-Outfit-at-all Curse" at all, Curse Fairy! That's just not nice, you know? And at the best part, too... That really isn't fair at all! Buuu!

The Curse Fairy is rude! It would have been nicer to come back to see my friends at a different time~ Miwako really would have preferred to tell everyone about the graduation ceremony after the pervert play finished, and wearing clothes, too!

How does she get to her apartment from this restroom she hid in, too... Hmm... Hmm, hmm, hmmm~~ ͂

I think it's definitely time to put effort into making the Curse Fairy happy again -- full force!! ☆

I hope Arashi doesn't think Miwako didn't like it and ran away... O, no...

...But, hello, again, Citisens~ This is unfortunate, isn't it? Buuu~ Bad Curse Fairy...~~

[ooc | Guess who got pulled back during the peak of SeXY★SExY tiemz with the boyfriend. |Db She wasn't wearing clothes anyhow, so it's not as big a deal. :P Cursed on the first day back! \o\ BABY!!]
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