The Candy Spooky Theater at the Middle East Club

May 21, 2007 23:04

ahh~ Back from a weekend of madness, BABY!

Well aside from some shitty weather and getting lost a couple times, the trip went like clockwork. The hotel was perfect, nice and clean and in perfect driving distance of all the places I wanted to visit. I'm going to do a little review of my trip and TCST show:

Left the house at about 7:30 am, drove to there around 10pm, ate dinner and crashed.

Left the hotel around 11 to go to Salem. The weather fucking sucked...but it was nice to just wander around. We went to the witch museum which was horribly cheesy but fun none the less. We then wandered about some more, I took some pictures, and then we headed off to Boston. After about 50 billion detours we got to Faneuil Hall. It was really cool, lots of food. Kristen and I got bubble tea and huge bowls of ramen with scary squid balls (that was only mine, though). Then we went back to the hotel.

Got up bright and early to head out to Cambridge for the show. We got lost, blah blah blah, but when we got there there was only one other person in line (Samantha, a girl I had met online previously) and some crazy drugged up guy who...gets his own story some other day, maybe. Lets just say it involved the cops (exciting!).
Samantha had gotten there at like 6 am expecting some huge line and no one showed up till 11 (that being us) but we chit chatted and had a grand old time. A few more people showed up shortly after, and the rest of the line didn't really accumulate till about an hour before the show. We saw Zull walk in all inconspicuously with his giant white wig and top hat full costume. Real inconspicuous. There were a couple more sitings after that, they were walking up the stairs or some shit.

So about a quarter after 1 they let us file in. Some people who helped promote and some other people for the opening act occupied the entirety of the front row so we were shunned to the second...oh well I was tall. So the opening act came on (Absynth...sp) and the couple in front of Kristen and I were out of there in 5 minutes...hoorah front row~~!
I will admit, I wasn't fond of Absynth's music I heard previously, but seeing that 2 guys were stuck in traffic and only 3 members were left to do the show, they seriously rocked out. They really got the place into action and you could tell many people really didn't care to see them in the beginning (me included) but ended up enjoying the show. The lead singer was a total ham but still amusing. So they did their thing, cleared the stage, and then Roger came out!

Roger told us all he wasn't going to talk for long, said his little spiel, and then started to introduce the band members! First was Peggy (his entire stage name which I really can't remember), so he came hopping on out, had a little spazz attack, and got situated. Then Zull, who somberly waltzed out. Then Roger told us to make some noise for Jack...and Zull was trying to get music to play for the grand entrance but it wasn't after a little fiddling and much shouting from the audience, Jack's song from Nightmare before Christmas started playing and Jack walked out all zombie like. Let me tell you, this man is fucking TALL (perhaps a little over 6 feet) and with platforms and teased was a bit of a strain on the neck to look up at him, but he looked amazing, they all did.

Just a short little description...
Jack's makeup was done up in his current style ( he was decked out from head to toe in Alice Auaa. He had a typical black long sleeved deconstructed shirt on, some leather hot pants, black and purple striped stockings with ankle platform boots, a leather corset done up side-ways on his waist, and that leather chained alice auaa neck corset he seems to be rather fond of.

Peggy wore a normal shirred reddish lolita dress with a shirred white blouse under it, adorned by all of his standard layered stockings, bloomers, 80 necklaces and bracelets, a big floppy hair bow, and his black biker boots.

Zull wore some strange black a-line jumper thing over a long sleeve white ruffly top, sparkly silver and black leggings, gigantic double decker gold square toed platforms, his beat up white curly wig and trade mark gigantic white mad hatter top hat.

On with the show!
For the life of me I can not remember the order of the set in no particular order they played:
Spook House
Murder Toy in the Closet
Merry go Round
Devilish Kidnapper
Ferris Wheel
Nightmare -不眠症の少女とカーテン越しの悪夢-
眠れる森の花嫁 ( I think...)
A Clockwork World ( again, I think)
And what sounded like a new song but I may have just been a bit jumbled up.

They put on an AMAZING stage performance. They couldn't bring many props or anything...they each had a living dead doll behind them, their little puppet man, and that is about it. Peggy didn't have either of his orchestra bass', just a regular electric one. But aside from those minor set backs, they were amazing. Peggy mainly stayed in his area hopping about to the music, Zull stood in his spot all but one time looking solemn. He would randomly just stare at the audience in was kind of creepy, I couldn't help but laugh while everyone stared back. I'm easily made uncomfortable...>_>

Jack...oh my, what to say about Jack. Well he started the show with his zombie/puppet/drunkard moves and kept a pretty strait face. But then at some point in the middle he decided we was going to start speaking a bunch of English (at least that is what it sounded like), forgot it, turned around and got all embarrassed, and then turned back around trying extremely hard not to smile his cute crooked little grin (to no avail). He just went crazy from there on out. At one point he put the mic around his neck and raised his hands above his head and started doing this little...clap your hands and thrust/swivle your hips thing. It was disturbing yet oh so erotic all at the same time. He then proceeded to do little shimmies across the stage, jump 3 feet into the air, bite at the front rows fingers, give people high fives, and just be generally crazy.

They all seemed to really enjoy themselves, aside from Zull who looked solemn the whole time. I'm not sure if that is just his normal thing or if him leaving has to do a bit with it (which I wouldn't doubt).

After the show we got merch and they did a little signing. Jack is a total sweet heart, and has quite possibly the most intricate signature I have ever seen. And he did ever single one as meticulously as the last. I will scan it tomorrow, but in is his name all swirly like (Jack Spooky) with a little top hat drawn over the 'J' and a bat with beady little eyes at the end. He would then close your cd case/booklet, hand it back to you with both hands, say thank you, shake your hand, perhaps say thank you again, and then send you on your way to Zull and Peggy. Zull drew out some swirl thing and Peggy's signature was adorable. The 'P' looked like a smiley face, the 'e' was a pair of lips, and the 'y' was turned into a heart. He seemed a bit shy, so I said my "ありがとうございます" and went on my way.

I went through the line a second time with my little sister who is madly in love with Peggy, Jack tried to speak some things in English to her but it just ended up being a "hi" and a "thank you". Zull tried to say "how are you" but it just turned into "howr'uu...". She didn't get it but oh well.

I then said good bye to Samantha, and Kristen and I headed off into the sunset to...WALDEN POND. oh yes. Pictures later. To those of you who are just reading this for the review, ignore that last part...>_>

please excuse all typing errors. I fail.

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