Guardian 7/?

Aug 10, 2012 23:13

Title: Guardian
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Seen Season 1's Faith through 5.22? You're good.
Summary: Dean has a heart attack due to his electrocution from a tazer (Season one's Faith opening). When he is told he has no more than a month or two to live, Sam gets desperate and searches for ways to save Dean, effectively ditching his brother in the hospital, forgetting to visit him more than once or longer than an hour. Dean leaves after three days to go back to the hotel room and he comes across a dog as he's taking a breather. He has no idea the dog is more than he seems..

Dean let out a annoyed growl when he saw this place again. The room back at the condo Gabriel had sent him, Sam and Bobby to….

Dean sat down on the bed and lay back with a sigh leaning back against the pillows of the bed and staring at the wall. He’d seen Warren Skip Muck’s worst night of his life…what was his? Hell he’d seen and FELT Gabriel die…So what was his worst moment? The first thing that came to mind was his mother’s death…but no. There had been times after that, while his dad had been on the road… Where His dad had beat him for stupid mistakes with Sam…He’d always made sure Sam was asleep before he beat Dean senseless.

There had been one time he forgot to give Sam some cold medicine when the bugger had the flu. Dad didn’t even wait for Sam to fall asleep, the five year old, at the time had been far too out of it to notice. But no…even those all combined weren’t worse than what he felt the day Gabriel had died.

Dean shifted and looked at the bed and picked at the covers as he remembered how horrible that feeling had been.  He’d felt like he’d been stabbed through the heart, and that there was this horrible ripping feeling, and he had felt like he’d died for a long moment there, thought he had started bleeding….but then a icy hot kind of feeling had seared his chest…All pain, and sorrow…and he’d felt regret…so much regret…

He didn’t hear or see any movement but he felt the hand on his shoulder and he looked up, he saw Gabriel, saw him in clean clothes, in a deputy’s outfit, the one Dean had first seen him in outside of a dream. Gabriel came over and sat next to him and wrapped an arm around Dean. Gabriel held him close and ran a hand through Dean’s hair before kissing Dean on the lips, and Dean’s eyes widened at that and he wasn’t sure what to do for a moment and Gabriel seemed discouraged and started to pull away but Dean pulled him back and kissed him.

“I don’t care if you’re real or not, you’re here and I’m here. We haven’t had enough time damn it!” Dean growled as Gabriel tilted his head.

“Oh come on that time with you as a dog doesn’t count, I didn’t know who or what you were. I want to know you for who and what you are,” Dean said firmly and Gabriel smiled at him.

“Only if you can find me Dean…and even then I think you’ll be surprised,” Gabriel said as he pressed a kiss to Dean’s lips.

“You’re still alive?” Dean whispers as he kisses Gabriel, who chuckles.

“Who do you think screwed with your oh so wonderful looks, Dean? You can’t possibly think that just happens,” Gabriel smiles devilishly and Dean swats him half heartedly.

“You know…I met an interesting psychiatrist that thinks I might like you in a romantic way,” Dean says with a sly smile and Gabriel’s eyes glint in the dim lighting of the dream room.

“And?” Gabriel asked, Dean chuckled.

“Dude, I wouldn’t have kissed back if I didn’t like you, Gabriel. I want to get to know you better…” Dean said softly as he pushed the archangel onto the bed. He wasn’t sure if all this was real or not. He just knew that he was gonna give this Gabriel the ‘night’ of his life, or at least Dean’s.
Sam sat down and looked to his brother…He looked so peaceful, the look was nice on Gabriel’s face, or should it be Dean’s now? Either way it was a peaceful one… Sam got up and looked at the photos scattered around Dean and he picked them up as he looked at each piece of photo paper. Sam put them all back in the folder and he sat at the table and he set the file down and he went to google and for curiosity’s sake typed in Warren Skip Muck. The moment he did the screen went black and the next thing he saw was Gabriel of all people leaning back and clapping his hands.

“Congratulations, Sammy! You’ve typed in the super secret awesome code word! …Well not really I just need to tell you something about your brother…” Gabriel said as he smirks, he definitely got Sam’s attention as the younger man looked to his brother on the bed, now panting hard, eyes moving under his closed eyelids... What it had only been a minute or two from when he’d moved away from the bed?

“Now listen closely…I need you to cover your eyes and cover your brother’s mouth…things are going to get…loud. I did something to him that is only now going to show up…” Gabriel trailed off and fidgeted with his hands.

“What did you do?” Sam asks, sharply and Gabriel looked up.

“Look, I was assigned to be his guardian okay? You know guardian angel and all. By my father, which gave me the ability to do something to Dean that I normally wouldn’t be able to do…” Gabriel looks more than nervous as he shifts in his seat in whatever room he was in via the laptop.

“I ah…used him as a backup…Seconds before I died I managed to send half of my power to Dean…I used him as an anchor…I attached my very being to his soul…I’ve been hiding in his soul for a long time now…waiting for my power to regenerate…it has a little but the process to even allow this was incomplete…In order for it to work he has to say he gives a crap about me to my face for it to actually allow it to take effect. And when it does…I’ll be able to get my power back,” He looks up to Sam, “And you wouldn’t believe just how hard it was, to keep him from killing himself another four times within the past few weeks,” Sam goes cold at that revelation, staring at the screen with sadness on his face..The screen then flickers and Gabriel suddenly laughs as the laptop lets out sparks and he looks to Dean.

“I’m trying to prolong it but…doing three things at once is…taxing for me right now. Put a blindfold on yourself and cover your brother’s mouth…” and then the screen turns off, the laptop exploding. Sam curses and gets up, he grabs a shirt and a cloth, stuffing the cloth in Dean’s mouth and finishing the blindfold. He pressed two hands to Dean’s chest to keep him down.

“Okay…” He mutters, not able to see anything but he feels when Dean stiffens and hears his muffled shout as a burning white light goes through the room and partially through the shirt. There’s panting and a groan.

“F-Fuck….” Dean groaned, and it was DEAN’s voice and Sam tore off the shirt blindfold and tossed it aside and stared at his brother and then hugged Dean Close.

“Whoa! Easy there! My chest…no my whole body is burning like its on fire…is it Sam?” Dean asks as he starts to feel his body, patting it down.

“Look in a mirror, Dean,” Sam says chuckling and Dean looked to him, eyes wide as he got up and ran for the bathroom. He came back out looking both relieved and disappointed.

“What? What’s wrong?” Sam asked and Dean shrugged.

“I…I don’t know….I just…that was the last thing I had of Gabriel…and that’s gone now too…” Dean whispered as he sat down and put his head in his hands. Sam bit his lip and went over to his brother and hugged him close, he felt bad for his brother, but he knew Gabriel was there, hiding and biding his time. He was pretty sure he could talk some sense into Dean without outright saying Gabriel was hiding in him…

“Listen to me, Dean…Do you really think an angel as powerful as Gabriel could be killed that easily?” Sam asked and Dean shrugged.

“We don’t know anything about angels, or Archangels Sammy…He could be dead…he could be up in heaven and have forgotten all about us…” Dean muttered, looking at his hands and Sam let out a huff.

“Then what about that tattoo, eh? You said it was a vow…,” Sam said slowly and  Dean just tried to hide some more but Sam wouldn’t let it rest.

“Listen to me! Gabriel’s a strong son of a bitch and damnit your memories of him will live on. He’s there, Dean, you just have to look inside yourself for him!” He pats Dean’s back, his brother looking up at him a bit.

“You…think so?” Dean asked, looking up after a minutes and Sam pressed a hand to his brother’s chest, splaying out his fingers.

“I know so, Dean,” He said as he pushed Dean back down onto the bed. Dean looked confused, sad and torn all at once as he looked to his  brother but then he nodded and curled up to a pillow and  relaxed…

“You think I don’t know what you were trying to do, Sam?” Dean asked after a few minutes, sitting up and rubbing his arms a bit, looking to Sam who blinked innocently at him.

“What do you mean?” He asked and Dean only tilted his head and smirked. That smirk…
Sam then laughed, “You owe me a new laptop, Gabriel,” He saw Dean chuckle and look at him almost fondly.

“Knew you were the smart one. Let me guess, the smirk gave me away?” Sam nodded at that.

“What did you do to my brother?” Sam asked as Gabriel got up and snapped Dean’s fingers, pie and candy appearing on the table.
Gabriel hesitated, “I ah…am giving him some time for R&R. Thanks to him I’m able to get my power back at the rate I am supposed to…so I am taking over until the next hotel. He gets rest from everything just peace right now…” Gabriel said as he snapped his or well, Dean’s fingers and the laptop was whole once more, and functioning as Gabriel pulled up a apple pie and started eating. 
He rolled Dean’s eyes and let out a happy sound.

“It’s been…what two months? I haven’t been able to eat anything willingly for two months. Fuck its like an orgasm in the mouth,” Gabriel lets out another sound and Sam rolls his eyes.

“Okay so when you’re done getting turned on by food, pack up Dean’s stuff and we’ll hit the road.” Gabriel just let out a annoyed sound and snapped his fingers and they were in the car, Gabriel had Dean’s feet up on the dash as he buckled Dean in and he continued to eat the pie, the candy on the floor in bags. Sam rolled his eyes and started the Impala and started to head towards the other town when Gabriel stiffened and his eyes narrowed at the traffic cop ahead of them.

“He’s gonna try and pull us over…When he does, keep him distracted…” Gabriel muttered and he continued eating pie after that, and as they passed the cop, sure enough he flashed his lights and siren. Sam looked to Gabriel as if he couldn’t believe the Archangel hiding in his brother had been right, even as he pulled over.

“License and registration,” The cop said and Gabriel took out the papers and passed them to Sam who handed them to the cop.

“So, Mr…Hasslehoff, do you have any idea how fast you were going?” The cop asked and Sam answered flatly.

“The speed limit,” The cop looked him over and shook his head.

“Got some snark on you eh? Now, Tell me what the speed limit is on this stretch of highway, boy,” The cop growled to Sam, Gabriel nomming his pie for another minute or so.

“Hey, officer?” He said, looking to the cop who looked to him, the officer tilted his head in a silent ‘What?’.

“Christo, bitch,” Gabriel said as the Cop’s eyes went black and Sam slammed the door into the demon and tackled him to the ground even as Gabriel got out of the car and watched Sam get flung back. It was when the Demon seemed to notice the lack of ‘Dean’ fighting that he looked back only to find Gabriel in his face.

“Boop!” He said loudly as he poked the demon’s head and the demon let out a horrible yell and then a burst of yellow light and the host fell limply to the ground.

Gabriel flexed the hand he’d used to attack the demon and he looked to Sam, who was getting up and staring at him. Gabriel checked the host’s pulse and nodded to himself and picked him up and put him in his car and drove it off to where it had originally been and turned off the engine, put the cop there and then appeared by Sam.

“Well? Come on let’s keep going,” He said as he got back in the car and started on the candy. Sam stared for another minute of two before he got back in and they drove towards the next town, which was another few hours away. 
Gabriel had Dean leaned back in the seat and with eyes closed and seeming like he was asleep, though on occasion he’d crack his eyes open and tell sam to make a turn and then close them again.

“So…what, you have an angel radar?” Sam asked after a while of this, and Gabriel chuckled.

“Yes, now make another right and you should see a motel six that looks like it’s under construction. Go there and park behind it,” He said calmly and Sam eyed him but did as he said and when he got to a stop, Gabriel sat up and got out of the car and went to the entrance and opened it easily and Sam followed with their stuff and Gabriel led the way up to the top floor and then smirked at Sam, “This, is my I think…fifteenth apartment?” He said as he pushed open the door and a furnished room was shown, lights turning on and revealing a apartment that was decorated in light blues and silver, with gold curtains on the windows. The couches were a dark blue against light blue carpets and Sam gaped at it as he walked in and Gabriel closed the door behind him.

“This place is warded against all sorts of creatures, including humans and my brothers. So you and Dean will be safe here when I go…y’know to heal my vessel…” He then shows Sam the two guestrooms and Gabe put Dean’s stuff on the bed of the middle room…
Sam put his things in the room at the end. Gabriel came out of his bedroom and went to the one Dean would sleep in.

“Well, Sammich, it’s been fun….but like I said, gonna give Deano his turn now,” And Gabriel got comfy on the bed, closing Dean’s eyes. The younger Winchester watched as his brother stretched and blinked at their new surroundings.

“Sam?” Dean mumbled and he stretched out and cracked his back, “Fuck…where are we and how did you get me in the room?” Dean mumbled as Sam chuckled.

“We’re in a ah…abandoned hotel. This is one of the pent house suites…As for getting you up here? Cause I’m awesome,” Sam smiles and tosses Dean a candybar, which smacks his forehead before the older brother could react and he just gives his brother a flat stare before he lays back down on the bed.

“Hey Sam? Is it cold in here to you?” Dean asked as he actually got under all the covers in all his clothes. Sam looked at him oddly for a moment and then shrugged.

“A little. Want me to turn on the heat?” Sam asked and Dean nodded frantically. Sam was pretty sure he knew why his brother was cold…and could only hope Gabriel would get whatever he had to do done …
Gabriel stood at the old Cold oaks town, which frankly had been destroyed in the fight between Gabriel and Raphael and when the angel walked there in his true form he could sense the left over energies and he couldn’t help the tears that came from his eyes as he knelt down next to his vessel, next to Warren Skip Muck who had been through so much… His body was preserved from the left over grace that had clung to his body… Gabriel saw that his sword was discarded to the side. Not like Raphael would care about it… Gabriel  pressed a hand to Skip’s forehead and  he  put the other to the wound and he used his grace to heal it and he  also found Skip’s soul…He couldn’t inhabit a vessel without their consent, even now…

Skip woke with a gasp and he let out shuddering breaths as he shivered in the snow around him on that crossroads ground and Gabriel wrapped his arms of his true form around Skip who was shivering violently.

“Damn it, you got yourself killed didn’t you?” He said through chattering teeth.

“Well, kinda? Enough that I couldn’t stay in your body as you died…I nearly died…” Gabriel muttered and he wrapped his warm grace wings around the human and he pulled him close, “Just keep your eyes closed right now. I don’t want to have to heal those too,” Gabriel muttered and Skip let out a breath that fogged the air.

“Th-that g-guy..D-dean…y-you l-like him…d-don’t you?” Skip said through chattering teeth and Gabriel let out a huff of warm air.

“G-go for i-it G-Gabe, I’m s-supposed t-to be dead, r-remember? Have f-fun,” Skip muttered before He laughed, “A-at least I won’t  b-be so freaking cold! S-So yes! Have fun and keep me warm, I hate being cold!” Skip grumbled and Gabriel chuckled and was entering Skip within seconds, Skip’s soul let out an audible sigh of relief at his warmth and  Gabriel’s grace instantly warmed up his cold vessel… It was only after entering Skip that Gabriel realized just how much of his grace he had used…He’d been at half strength before pulling off the resurrection and healing…now he was nearly back to the level he’d been at when he’d been hiding in Dean’s soul. Fuck… He could sense Skip’s concern for him at that moment but Gabriel stood up and with a snap of fingers he was at the place he’d just left. He staggered upon arrival in Dean’s room, where Sam was watching him…He heard the gasp of shock then felt the bed under him as his legs collapsed…

“Gabriel!” Came Dean’s voice as Gabriel felt himself being pulled into a embrace.

“Fuck…Sam he’s barely conscious!” Gabriel managed to open his eyes to look at Dean, who looked so damn worried that it warmed his weak grace.

“Hey..Gabriel can you hear me?” Dean asked but Gabriel pulled Dean close and kissed him on the lips, it was long and for a seemingly endless amount of time before Dean had to pull back to breath.
Sam let out a cough and muttered something about food and left the room, though Gabriel didn’t last much longer, but he did pull Dean close to him and a wing of burnished gold wrapped around Dean as Gabriel passed out.

gabriel, fic: au, fanfiction, bobby, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, dean, supernatural

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