Guardian 4/?

Apr 12, 2011 16:57

Gabriel just let out a sigh and with a lost air, vanished…

The Archangel watched for a long time, staying far away from Dean and Sam, watching from a distance. He thought he recognized a look on Dean’s face, and a bit of poking around in Sam’s head showed Gabriel that Dean had tried to kill himself, but the younger brother didn’t know why. Dean refused to tell him and the older brother was much more withdrawn…

So of course, Dean fucking panicked when Sam disappeared. The last thing that Dean cared for had been kidnapped by demons, and Gabriel had let it happen. He couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger to help. As far as he cared, Dean could go to Hell from the deal he was going to make. Why help someone who would so easily kill you?

Gabriel watched the destruction and everything negative unravel in Dean. Everything that was destructive. Any hope in God the young man had, had been shattered by the man’s experience the last few months. Dean’s soul was being consumed by darkness and it was eating away at the very core of his soul. Gabriel felt a sick delight in watching Dean’s pain when the Psychic kid made contact. Yet…when Bobby told him where Sam was, hope flared strong and bright in the soul and Gabriel was puzzled by something else there. Dean had convinced himself that something was out there allowing him to see this… Gabriel snorted softly and looked away.

Yet the ride to cold oaks Minnesota ate away at Dean, who constantly wondered if his brother was even still alive and Gabriel was firm in his stance. Dean could go to hell. Fuck the bastard! He thought. The only reason he was still around was that he had been assigned to them…

He appeared in the old town and saw Sam fighting and kicking ass, one handed Gabriel might add as he saw Sam knock out the soldier and he seemed to be briefly wondering if he should kill him… he just scoffed and tossed the knife aside as he heard his name being called out and Gabriel watched as Sam started to walk away and held his arm as he called out towards his brother..

Jake picked up the knife and started to run at Sam, he saw Dean’s eyes widen.

“SAM LOOK OUT!” He yelled, but Gabriel had already moved and shoved Sam aside in a flutter of wings as he appeared and Sam let out a yell of pain as he fell on his injured arm and the knife stabbed into Gabriel who scoffed at the man and sent him flying back into the fence without a word and he pulled out the knife and then look to Jake. Gabriel held out both hands, closing his eyes as he focused, forcing the sun to show itself, and he smirked as he snapped his fingers, Jake exploding.

Gabriel stood there for a moment before he started to briskly walk away. It was done. He stopped Dean from selling his soul…

“Skip!” A voice yelled and there was the sound of footsteps and someone touched his shoulder and Gabriel snarled and shoved the person back hard. He turned around to see Dean, the smile that had been on his face sliding off like the rain washed it off. Dean let out a sigh and Gabriel frowned at what he saw in Dean at that moment. There had been happiness, quickly smothered by guilt and then sadness and Gabriel cursed himself when all that hope seemed to vanish. He let the rain soak him as Sam looked to them and Gabriel went over to the Winchester and knelt down in the mud and healed his wound to his arm before he got up and went over to Dean, who was staring at the ground and Gabriel hooked a finger under Dean’s chin and made the man’s gaze level with his. Gabriel looked back to Sam.

“He’s fine,” He said, breath fogging in the air as he looked up at Dean and then to Sam.

“I wanted to let him get killed like he was supposed to…and you’d make your deal…” He trails off as Dean stiffens and starts to glare.

“But it’s not satisfying to see you hand your soul over…” He watches Dean shift for a moment before looking away as Gabriel looks at the forest; he closes his eyes and remembers the explosions from forty nine years ago, maybe less. Either way…

“How did you…survive it? I thought-“ Dean started to say and Gabriel let out a breath.

“I can make illusions for a reason Winchester…” He then opens his eyes and starts to see Dean standing there. He suddenly found himself in a tight hug.

“I’m glad it was an illusion…,” Dean whispered, “I…felt betrayed and used…I thought you were going to kill me like your other victims…” Dean then paused, “I still shouldn’t have tried to put you through so much pain…I’m sorry…” Dean was shaking with sadness and Gabriel hated to know it…but his heart melted at Dean’s apology, his silent plea for forgiveness…

Dean’s soul ached for Gabriel’s warm grace, for Gabriel’s warmth in general and it was then that Gabriel saw the hole he’d left in Dean, when Dean had been forced to ‘kill’ him. It was something Gabriel hadn’t expected and when he saw it, he hugged Dean closer to him; the other man didn’t object it…

Gabriel saw Sam and bobby muttering quietly in the background and Gabriel let out a sigh.

“And I ah…have a confession to make…” He mumbled and Dean blinked and looked down to Gabriel, who looked him right in the eyes.

“That dog you had for a while, the one that got shot….That was me…” He grimaced a bit at Dean’s expression and when Dean shoved him away, it was a look of disbelief and shock along with anger.

“You…were Gabe? Really, the whole damn time?!” Dean yelped and Gabriel nodded and Dean dragged a hand down his face, “Fuck, should of known…dog always did understand everything…” He mumbles as he stares at Gabriel.

“Do it,” He said after a moment, and Gabriel rolled his eyes but within seconds he was the dog, barking and playing in the mud and then getting into a playful stance and barking at Dean who was staring at him.

“Dude…you’re not getting in my baby like that,” Dean said firmly as Gabriel snorted and ran at Dean and pounced, tackling him and slamming him into the mud as he changed back he laughed.

“Oh really now? Whatcha gonna do about it, Deano?” Dean tried to push him off, but Gabriel kissed Dean on the lips and got a muffled sound of shock from Dean. Gabriel was about to pull away when Dean shifted and rolled Gabriel over and started kissing him back.

The Winchester tasted like apple pie and Gabriel kissed him some more, wanting to enjoy the taste as long as possible before Dean pulled away, face flushed with embarrassment.

“So what’s your real then?” Dean asked and Gabriel smiled and pushed his wet, muddy hair back.

“Take a guess. You said it all the time,” Gabriel said as he got up and pulled Dean with him, cleaning Dean off with a thought and then cleaning himself off.

“So your name is Gabriel?” Dean said as he tilted his head and Sam looked to Gabriel and his eyes widened.

“Oh hell no, we’ve had an Archangel tailing us?!” Sam yelped and Gabriel saw Dean, out of the corner of his eye freeze and he was putting the pieces together.

Thunder and lightning roared across the skies in that instant and Gabriel couldn’t help the sad smile. The Host was angry and were threatening death upon him for his interference. They were not aware of just who he was… In the next seconds he sent all of the boys flying back and he was tensed as he saw the true forms of his brothers coming to Earth, and he realized they were looking for vessels.

He spun around and looked to the boys, lightning flashing through the sky as the thunder roared loudly and his eyes landed on Dean, then Bobby, then Sam. Another burst of power and he sent them flying back towards the woods where he then paused.

“AZAZEL YOU YELLOW EYED BASTARD!” He yelled and he saw Azazel freeze from where he stood and then he looked to Gabriel and appeared in front of the Archangel.

“Hello, brother,” The Fallen Angel, become demon said with a grin, eyes their bright yellow.

“I see your grace burning angrily, tsk it’s breaking through your shell to hide your power from them… You should know better than to interfere…” Azazel hissed but Gabriel only smiled and pulled out his sword.

“Ready to dance?” He smirked as Azazel’s eyes flashed with fear, Gabriel could tell his fallen brother had no angelic sword on him any longer; it had been destroyed by Gabriel himself before Azazel’s ass was kicked out of Heaven.

“Oh right, you’re not an angel anymore so I can just. Do. This.” He went over to Azazel, freezing his in place, smothering him with oppressive Grace and Gabriel put a hand to his shoulder and Azazel let out an unearthly scream as a flash of sulfuric yellow came bursting from him, the stench of sulfur following before the already dead host was burned to a crisp…

He then turned and started laughing as he felt Michael nearby and Gabriel threw his arms out eyes up at the sky.

“Well, Michael?! What are you waiting for?! You found me!” Gabriel yelled to the skies, but it wasn’t Michael who was the first to arrive it was him. It was Raphael.

“Hello traitor,” Raphael said in his vessel’s low voice and Gabriel swallows.

“I’m not the traitor!” Gabriel growls and Raphael laughs and the thunder booms loudly.

“You are going against the prophesy! Against what was said to happen!” Raphael’s vessel’s brown eyes flashed dangerously.

“You know what happens to traitors, brother. And I don’t think you deserve to keep living!” with that, Raphael attacked and Gabriel barely brought his sword up in time. The clang of metal was loud and echoing and Gabriel fought as hard as he could against Raphael, the older Archangel was more prepared though. His vessel was in burnished bronze armor with gold along the edges. Gabriel on the other hand… He had to weave out of the way of the sword, there was no fucking way he could possibly take any sort of hit, and Raphael wasn’t rusty with his sword like Gabriel is… Gabriel could feel Dean nearby with the others, watching and Gabriel let out a yell and a burst of grace sent Raphael flying back into a nearby building and damn it they needed to go now! He quickly and carelessly put that in Dean’s fucking head, his grace brushing against Dean’s soul and while it was there… Gabriel did something he really shouldn’t have, but before he could think of anything else, he was looking back to Raphael and barely dodged a attack that would have decapitated him if he delayed a second longer.

Yet in the end Raphael would not be denied as Gabriel tried his best…Yet in the end it failed him….

A flash of angelic steel and a stabbing pain in his chest…No… He saw the savage smile on Raphael’s face and Gabriel could see the bitter and hard angel underneath…He could feel the blade, and yet he could feel Dean…He swallowed and struggled to breathe as he made a last move that only he knew about before he started coughing up his blood.

“O-One more…thing…R-Raph…” He whispered and that made Raphael frown even as Gabriel smirked at him and as he threw his head back and let out his dying scream, he managed to send Dean, Sam and Bobby away…

Raphael let Gabriel’s dead vessel fall with a finality that shocked Michael. Michael had watched all of this. His battle was to be with Lucifer…Raphael had been the one he chose for this because he would get the job done…but he didn’t think Gabriel would fight this hard to rebel against the prophesy..He thought Gabriel would have surrendered and let the Winchester die and start the chain of events… Michael looked at his youngest brother’s wings, burned into the ground, blood pooling around him as Raphael pulled his sword out and started to reach for Gabriel’s when suddenly the sword vanished, leaving the other Archangel confused along with Michael…

raphael, gabriel, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, bobby, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, trickster, michael, dean, supernatural

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