Oh, hello. New community. Not going to give you some introduction or anything, I'll just... Start off with some fanfiction recommendation!
Break The Limits by
hallelujah-hideBand: X-Japan
Pairing: Yoshiki x hide
Length: Long (33 chapters, lots of them separated in two parts + one really frigging sad epilogue)This is the Brokeback Mountain of Jrock. It spans over several years, creating a relationship between hide and Yoshiki so real you could almost touch it. It's not a cliché. It doesn't contain many clichés at all - it's just life, and life's hard. This fanfiction is all about Yoshiki and hide, but still, everyone around them affects them and influences them. It's not a happy fic. I knew it would end with hides death from the beginning. It still took me five days from that I read Chapter 33 to that I was able to move on the last part of the story, because goddamnit, this fanfiction made me feel more sympathetic to fic!Yoshiki then real!Yoshiki. That's kinda sad in itself, really.
It might not be the absolute best thing I ever read, but it sure as hell is the most touching. After finishing it, I was just sitting numbly and starring out to the busy streets of Tokyo for a while. I could't really think of anything. In the beginning, when I first read it (I've started over several times with this one), I was annoyed with... Parts of it. The Japanese customs didn't seem very researched, it was AU and all over the place and Yoshiki wasn't at all like I wanted him to be. But it grew to me, and I'm still sad it ended. REALLY SAD. All the rain stuff and the crying and most of the time it's not AU at all and that, you know, you can really see this happening. hide was really really vivid in this, and Yoshiki was just... Uwahh. Go read it.
NOTES: You need to friend hallelujah-hide to get to read it. It's not hard, she's very friendly and nice.