Mar 24, 2005 19:26
as you can tell.. im bored
01. favorite color: blue
02. favorite drink: diet coke
03. favorite computer accessory: keyboard
04. favorite cookie: all-abouts
05. favorite author: hmm...
06. favorite nsync member: justin
07. favorite way of getting caffeinated: drinking pop
08. favorite chipmunk: alvin all the way!
09. favorite ice cream: cookie dough
10. favorite lover: wtf lol
11. do you believe in love at first sight: not really u dont even know that person
12. do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom: most of the time
13. do you put empty cartons back in the fridge: yeah lol
14. do you do things you know you shouldn't: yeah a lot
15. do you take responsibility: sometimes
16. do you have someone else's underwear: i dont think so
17. do you associate with people you don't even like: yes against my will
18. do you have any psychological disorders: no
19. do you drink diet soda: yes i dont even drink reg. pop
20. do you kiss on the first date: yea
21. have you masturbated in front of someone not your lover: lmao no
22. have you broken the law: for sure
23. have you had one too many to drink: definelty =X
24. have you backed into something: probably a person when im being my loserish self and walking backwards
25. have you graduated high school: nope
26. have you bitten someone until the bled: lmao
27. have you ever stolen a street sign: im not into that kinda thing
28. have you ever been kissed: yea
29. have you ever been in a food fight: not a big one
30. have you ever sucked helium: yea its cute lol
31. what are you not doing: going to the movies like i should be
31. what are you talking about: my problems lol
32. what are you wearing: pajamas
33. what are you craving: ice-cream
34. what are you lusting: some action ;)
35. what are you lacking: a friend to hang out with
36. what are you going to do after this: AIM
37. what are you dependent on: my friends
38. what are you hoping: that i can hang out tomorrow
39. what are you reading: these questions
40. what are you listening to: when the rain falls
41. last movie you saw: euro trip
42. last person you touched: touched how? lol
43. last person you yelled at: probably my mom
44. last time you got pissed: today
45. last person you told you loved: malerie
46. last thing you drank: diet coke
47. last year, what were you for Halloween: a little whore devil thing lol
48. last year, you were: a big loser
49. last time you were on the phone: 5 minutes ago
50. last song you heard: vacation
51. do you want to get married / divorce: i want to get married
52. do you want to have children/ names?: yeah - 1 girl, 1 boy - idk names
53. do you want to tell certain people off: yeahh
55. do you want to be somewhere else: florida you want to be some1 else: noo you want to be famous: that'd be fun for a while
58. do you want to go for a walk: yea if it was warm out
59. do you want to hug anyone: for sure
60. do you want to make a difference: sure
61. how do you feel about PDA: its a good thing (public display of affection)
62. how do you feel about the other PDA: whats the other PDA?
63. how do you feel about alternative lifestyles: uhh i could answer that if i knew what it was
64. how do you feel about president bush: he has a funny southern accent
65. how do you feel about birth control: use it if u dont want a baby
66. how do you feel about abusive relationships: its horrible, if ur in one u should get out and put them in jail
67. How do you feel about the internet: i like it
68. how do you feel about your family: love them
69. how do you feel about your friends: love them also
70. how do you feel about polygamy: uhh
71. do you like jelly beans: some
72. do you like it when it rains: yess
73. do you like to drive: its pretty fun
74. do you like to eat out: yess
75. do you like being home: when my parents arent around and with friends
76. do you like the people (or animals) you live with: i like my dog.. my mom - eh i guess
77. do you like emo: mMm
78. do you like Microsoft: i have nothing against it
79. do you like your name: i guess
80. do you like the person you ganked this from: i dont know them lol
81. worst musical artist: lindsay lohan - its like no dont sing!
82. worst feeling in the world: rejection
83. worst color combination: brown and black
84. worst texture: sidewalk
85. worst taste to burp: um ew
86. worst thing about people: shit talkers
87. worst thing about outer space: no oxygen lol
88. worst element on the periodic table: aluminum lol it hurts my teeth
89. worst disease / infection to get: HIV/AIDS or a sex disease
90. worst position to sleep in: straight
91. you are: biting my lip
1.) How old are you in dog years? what the fuck take 13 x 7
2.) If you had a personal chef, what would you order them to make for you right now? chocolate cookies
3.) If you were a Crayola Crayon, what color would you be? lime green
4.) Do you kiss on the first date? yeah and u already asked
5.) What's your favorite TV channel? mtv
6.) Something you wish you were good at? volleyball
7.) What is on your feet right now? nothing
8.) At the grocery store, do you go for paper or plastic? probably plastic
9.) How many caffeinated beverages do you consume in a day? it depends
10.) What color are your eyes? blue w/ little green
11.) Do you walk around naked in the locker room or are you the type to change in the bathroom stall? haha i dont hide but i dont walk around naked
12.) What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid? sesame street all the way
13.) Do you have a job? If so, what is it? yes
14.) How old do you think you'll be when you get married? early 20's
15.) Do you fart in front of your friends? lmao
16.) Do you make your bed or leave it messy? if i feel like it
17.) Are you really busy or do you have a lot of free time? i like to be busy
18.) What kind of car do you drive? dont have a car
19.) How do you usually do your hair? straight
20.) Have you ever been pooped on by a bird? nope
21.) Are you a technology junkie or do you like the old way of doing things? ummm
22.) What brand of underwear do you usually have on? umm idk
23.) Who do you live with? my mom and dog
24.) Are you a coffee drinker? i likee frappachinoos
25.) What book are you currently reading? none
26.) What kind of toothpaste is in your medicine cabinet? aquafresh
27.) What is your favorite kind of cereal? mm idk
28.) What's your earliest memory? meeting stacey
[x] The shoes you wore today: my slippers
[x] Your eyes: blue
[x] Your fears: rejection and death
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: are you gay?
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: get out of my room
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: smile and hair
[x] Your best physical feature: teeth or hair
[x] Your bedtime: lately 7:45 but usually 10:30
[x] Your most missed memory: old sub friends and summer
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[x] Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
[x] Single or group dates: depends
[x] Adidas or Nike: adidas
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
-----------------DO YOU------------------
[x] Smoke: no
[x] Curse: yea
[x] Take a shower everyday: yea
[x] Have any crushes?: i think
[x] Who are they: =X
[x] Do you think you've been in love? no
[x] Want to go to college: yea
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yea
[x] Believe in yourself: sometimes
[x] Get motion sickness: sometimes
[x] Think you're a health freak: no
[x] Get along with your parents: not really
[x] Like thunderstorms: YES
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
[x] Gone to the mall: yea
[x] Eaten sushi: nope
[x] Been on stage: yea
[x] Been dumped: no
[x] Gone skating: nope.
[x] Made homemade cookies: brownies
[x] Dyed your hair: no
[x] Stolen anything: yes
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[x] Flown on a plane: yeah
[x] Missed school just because?: today
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yeah
[x] Cried during a Movie?: yea
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no
[x] Had an imaginary friend: idk ask my mom
[x] Cut your hair: yeah
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: no.
[x] Been caught "doing something": by my friends lol
[x] Been called a tease: yea
[x] Gotten beaten up?: nope
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
[x] Age you hope to be married: early 20s
[x] Numbers of Children: idk
[x] Descibe your Dream Wedding: big church, lots of ppl, stacey as my maid of honor, dad walking me down the isle to a loving fiance', and then after party being a blast for everyone, a real thing to remember
[x] How do you want to die?: in my sleep
[x] What country would you most like to visit?: Italy<3
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[x] Best eye color: blue
[x] Best hair color: brown
[x] Short or long hair: not real short, not too long
[x] Best height: taller then me
[x] Best body size: idk muscular
-First name: Lindsay
-Age: 13
-hair style: down, straight
-do you have one or two eyes? and what color are they?: um 2 blue and the others a little different w/ green in it
-do you have all your body parts?: yea
-do you like those body parts?: i guess
-If yes: what's your favorite part?: idk
-what about your toenails? Are they painted or not?: not at the moment
-your fingernails? long/ short?: short
-do you wear contacts or glasses or neither?: neither
-do you like dogs?: yea
-do you have dog?: yea.
-Cat?: nope
-can you drive?: no
-legally?: no.
{ok.. Relationship stuff}
-do you have a boyfriend?: nope
-A girlfriend?: no
-If yes: how long have you two been together?: --
-have you ever kissed in a park?: no
-in a pool?: nope
-on the beach?: nope
^ those 3 ?'s make me feel like a loser lol
well comment i guess<3