i'm a copycatter. tru dat homeslice!

Jul 25, 2005 17:25

-- Name: Lisa Lee.
-- Birthday: Feb. 24 1989
-- Birthplace: Bradenton.

-- Current Location: Bradenton.
-- Eye color: Hazel.
-- Hair color: Dirty blonde with highlights.
-- Height: 5'9"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
-- Zodiac sign: Pieces.

-- Shoes you wore today: I haven't worn any yet.
-- Your weakness: Not sure.
-- Your fears: Everything that's going on in my life right now.
-- Goal you’d like to achieve: I don't believe in "goals".

-- Most overused phrase on AIM: lol.
-- First thought when waking up: What time is it?
-- Best physical feature: Nothing.
-- Bedtime: Between 1am - 3am.

LAYER FOUR (do you)
-- Smoke: No.
-- Curse: Yes.
-- Sing: Yes.
-- Shower: Yes.
-- Crush: Nope.
-- Think you’ve been in love: Maybe.
-- Want to go to college: Not sure.
-- Like high school: Sometimes.
-- Want to get married: If it's true love.
-- Think you’re attractive: No.

LAYER SIX (in the past month have you)
-- Drank alcohol: No.
-- Smoked: No.
-- Done drugs: No.
-- Had sex: No.
-- Made out: No.
-- Gone to the mall: Yes.
-- Been on stage: No.
-- Made homemade cookies: No.
-- Gone skinny dipping: No.
-- Dyed your hair: No.

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes.
-- If so, was it mixed company: No?
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes.
-- Been caught "doing something": No.
-- Been called a tease: Yes.
-- Gotten beaten up: No.
-- Shoplifted: Yes.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: No.

-- Age you hope to be married: In my late 20's or early 30's.
-- Number of children: 12.
-- Dream Wedding: I don't think of getting married for a long time.
-- How do you want to die: In my sleep.
-- Where do you want to go to college: No idea yet.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A voiceover for Disney.

-- Last car ride: Last night with Melissa and Will coming home from swimming in his gym.
-- Last romantic kiss: A looong time ago.
-- Last good cry: Last week watching A Walk to Remember with Melissa and Will.
-- Last book read: I don't remember.
-- Last crush: I haven't had a crush since forever ago.
-- Last phone call: No comment.
-- Last time showered: Yesterday.
-- Last cd played: The Used.
-- Last song downloaded: I don't remember.
-- Last annoyance: Ian.
-- Last disappointment: Who cares.
-- Last soda drink: Code red.
-- Last sleep: Last night.
-- Last IM: Melissa.
-- Last time wanting to die: A long time ago.
-- Last time hugged: Will i guess?
-- Last time you were slapped in the ass: I don't know?
-- Last lipstick used: I don’t wear lipstick.
-- Last time someone made you cry: A loong time ago?
-- Last time someone wrote something sweet to you: I don't remember.
-- Last time someone wrote you a funny note: The other day.
-- Last time dancing: Um..
-- Last show attended: A while ago.

Full Name: Lisa Dawson Winn.
Born on What Day of the Week: Who knows.
Chore You Hate: Dishes.
Dad's Name: Ernie.
Essential Make-Up Item: None.
Favorite Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp and Hilary Duff, Kristen Dunst, Evan Rachel Wood, and Nikki Reed.
Gold or Silver: Silver.
Hometown: Bradenton.
Instruments You Play: I'm taking drum lessons..does that count?
Job Title: Notta.
Living arrangements: Dad, Angie, Myles.
Mom's name: Melanie.
Number of socks you own: Who knows.
Overnight hospital stays: None of YOUR business.
Phobia: Heights.
Quote you like: Um..
Siblings: Angie-19, and Rusty-30.
Time you woke up today: Around 2pm.
Vicious thing you've done: Being mean to Lauren, Jeff's Lauren.
Your Favorite Season: Fall and Summer.
Zodiac Sign: Didn't you already ask me?

Who do you blame for your mood today? No one.
Have you ever seen a dead body? Yes.....
What should we do with all the stupid people? Kill them.
Do you watch the local news? Sometimes.
How Big is your bed? I think it's a queen.
Current Clothing: Shorts and a Misfits shirt.
Current Mood: Great.
Current Taste: Grossness.
Current Hair: A messy bun?
Current Annoyance: Being bored.
Current Smell: Nothing.
Current thing you should be doing instead of this Survey: Not being here.
Current Jewelry: A ring.
Current Favorite Celeb: Everyone I liked before.
Current Music: Don't Die Cindy - So Much For Secret Passwords.
Current Wish: To hang out with Meli, Will, and Joey tonight.
Current Regret: Everything I ever did that was wrong.
Current Desktop Picture: The Land Before Time.
Current Disappointment: Nothing!!!!!!!!!
Current IM/Person you are talking To: Melissa and Andrew.
Current Things on your Wall: Not much.
Current Favorite Movie: I don't know.
How Many...

Places have you lived In? Two.
Countries have you been to? Zero.
Languages can you speak fluently? English.
Shows have you been to this month? None.
Friends would you call close? One.

Piercings = Zero.
Tattoos = Zero.
Height= 5'9".
Shoe size = 8 1/2.
Hair color = ..... this is getting so annoying.

Movie you rented = Girl Interupped and Anastasia.
Movie you bought= I don't remember.
CD you bought/burned = A mixed CD.

You Wish you could live Somewhere else = Yes.
You think about Suicide = No.
You want more Piercings = Yes.
You like cleaning = Not really. Only windows and mirrors..
You like roller coasters = Not upside down ones.
You write cursive or print = Print.

For or Against:
Suicide = Against.
Killing People = Against.
Teenage Smoking = Against.
Driving Drunk = Against.
Gay/Lesbian relationships= For.
Soap Operas = Against.
What time is it now? 5:07PM
Apples or Bananas? Apples
Blue or Red? Blue.
Walmart or Target? Target.
Spring or Fall? Fall.
What are you gonna do after you finish this? I have no idea.

Shampoo do you use = Whatever is in the bathroom.
Shoes do you wear = My old Etnies and Converses.
Are you scared of = Everything.

5 letter word: Aaron.
Color: Green and Pink.

Person who last:
Slept in your bed: Meli Pa Deli
Slept With You: Melissa.
Saw you cry: Melissa and Will.
Yelled at you: My dad.
Sent you an email: Emails don't exist in my world.

Last noise you heard? Melissa typing on the other computer.
Last smell you sniffed? Angie making cupcakes.
Last time you went out of state? A looong time ago.
Book you read? I don't remember.

Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many? I don't know yet.
Most important thing to you in a friendship is? HONESTY.

Other Info:
Criminal record? No.
Virgin? No.
Pets? None.
What makes you happy? MELISSA!!

Have You Ever:
Cried over a girl = Only Meli.
Cried over a boy = Yes.
Lied to someone= Yes.
Been in a fist fight = Yes.
Had Sex = Yes.
Eaten a bug = No.
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.
Cried During a movie: Yes.
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: No.
Wished you were the opposite sex: No.
Thought you were going to die: Yes.
Wanted to Run away: Yes.
Flunked a grade: Yes.
Ran away: No.
Skipped a grade: No.
Moved: Yes.
Attempted to commit suicide: No.
Thought about it: Yes.
Been arrested: No.
Gotten drunk: Yes.
Been in Love: Yes.
Smoked: Yes.
Drank: Yes.
Been suspended: Yes.
Cheated On A Test: Yes.
Cheated On A Boy/Girlfriend: Yes.
Been In The Hospital: Yes.
Fell asleep in the bath: Only once.
Gone to Church: Yes.
Been on a hike: Yes.
Been to camp: No.
Gone a week w/out shaving: Yes.
Didn't wash your hair for a week: No.
Broken something valuable: Yes.
Been in a tornado: No.
Knew you were in love: No.
Streaked in the streets: No.
Been Skinny-dipping: Yes.
Screamed at someone for no reason: No.
Been in a fight: Yes.
Been hurt by someone you loved: Yes.
Been attacked: No.
Stayed on the phone for over 3 hours: No.

FIRST JOB: Haven't had one yet.
FIRST SCREEN NAME: xxl1zcut1exx.
FIRST FUNERAL: My Grand-daddy.
FIRST CREDIT CARD: I don't have one yet.
FIRST ENEMY: A black girl in elementary.
FIRST BIG TRIP: Ohio a loong time ago.
FIRST CONCERT: Nsync..i think? Or BSB.
LAST BIG CAR RIDE: Driving with Ian, Melissa and Texas tomboy up to Melissa's house to get her stuff but it was only a hour ride and back.
LAST KISS: No comment.
LAST LIBRARY BOOK: I have no idea.
LAST CD PLAYED: I already answered this one stupid.
LAST ANNOYANCE: This stupid survey asking the same questions over again.
LAST TIME SCOLDED: I don't remember.
LAST SHIRT WORN: My Misfits one I have on now.
LAST WEBPAGE VISITED: livejournal.com
LAST LOVE: Nobody.
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