Oct 10, 2005 09:34
i didnt sleep at all last night. i spent one of those tossing and turning for hours kind on nights. i slept at kristens, got coked out, then went to bed when the high went down, no sense in wasting the feeling now. kristen was drunk off jack when we went to bed, that girl talks to herself like shes carring a conversation with someone in the room, who isnt physically there. but you have to understande her to know what thats about. once again last night was useless, just another opertunity to prove to myself that i cant resist the temtation.
john kristen and i all had a nice coked out converstation last night. john told me his theries of life, and let me say he has a lot of stonge theries. once again i have meet someone who has opened doors for me that i never knoew of even thought existed. you could almost call it posin. if you think to hard about life and analize everything in it you will eventually go crazy, if your not there already. thinking about shit that doesnt need to be thought about kills people.
i feel worthless. why cant i stop myself from taking all of these chemicals and shit? i relize that i dont feel like i have to power to stop, but do i? if i wanted to stop really bad would i? i would say yes i would but when the oppertunity comes along would i really? Kristen told me that ccc and robo can make your fucking heart explode!!! statistics says that. believe it or not, it could be true. so stay off that shit, unless your looking for a thrill.