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May 13, 2010 01:07

Intense encounters
Weak, transient effect: This morning you can expect intense encounters with others, chiefly those with whom you are very emotionally involved. The deepest and most powerful sources within your subconscious mind are influencing your actions now, and often it is difficult to avoid acting impulsively. Guilt, jealousy, overpossessiveness or simply the desire to control another's emotions can take possession of you, or you may experience these feelings through someone else. You can be sure that any conflicts between you and another person will reveal a great deal about the inner workings of you both. If you can view such conflicts dispassionately and in a calmer light later on, you may derive some benefit from this influence. Otherwise, these encounters are likely to be fruitless and irritating.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon Opposition Pluto, , exact at 08:40
activity period from 11 May 2010 to 12 May 2010

A good time for a good time
Valid during several weeks: This influence marks a period of several days in which it affects your whole manner of expressing yourself to others. You have a great desire to relate to others, and you are willing to make whatever personal compromises are necessary. During this time you feel rather unaggressive. In fact, you may not even defend your own personal rights. Instead you may try to work out a compromise or evade any contests. During this time you may be able to make peace among others. Since you do not feel like fighting, you are willing to act as a go-between to help others smooth over their differences. This is a good time to have a good time with friends, take a vacation or do whatever you enjoy. If you can get away to have fun at this time, you ought to do so.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Venus in the 1st House, 1,
activity period from 10 May 2010 to 28 May 2010
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