meh Discussion Question 1/29/08 "Doin' it"

Feb 19, 2008 09:53

Topic 3: Sexual Discussion verses Sexual Action

On Tuesday, January 29, 2008 2:51 am, Dr. Georg Vollweiler wrote...
Why do you think the majority of American college-aged couples find it easier to “do it” rather than to talk about “doing it”? Give examples.

On Monday, February 4, 2008 11:13 pm, Mandy Buck replied...

The main reasons why college-aged couples are more at ease engaging in sexual acts rather than talking about them are generally due to socio-cultural taboos and expectations, and an incomplete education in communicating about the subject.

I believe society has instilled within us a block when it comes to talking about the subject, especially when we are young. We know it is a part of normal human experience, yet we still feel there is a taboo attached to talking about sex. By observation of our peers and society, we learn that - while sex is a natural part of the human experience - it is inappropriate or bad manners to discuss such topics, especially in more formal communication settings (forbidden at the workplace, church potlucks, and so on).

If as children and young adults sexual-talk remains secret, if communication about sex is not taught to us by example, when are we expected to learn how and when to talk about it? The media is becoming more open about such topics, but sexuality is displayed most often as an act and expressed less often during conversation. (Thank you Dr. Ruth!) I believe that because of this lack of example the vocabulary of these “lovebirds” when talking about sex with one another is stunted and immature.

Sex was a very open topic for my classmates, but as far as partners, my inability to discuss sexual matters specific to our relationship was largely due to insecurities on both sides. In addition, it did not seem like there was a lot of time for discussion when finals were just around the corner - the deed itself seemed far quicker and more satisfying. There definitely seemed to be an interest in keeping most relationships casual.

In one of my college relationships, for example, our sexual discussion was kept very minimal and vague. I believe this was because of my hesitancy to generate feelings of insecurity. He was a virgin before me and I did not want to appear as though I was criticizing his performance by bringing attention to his “shortcomings.”

discussion, human sexuality, school, "doin' it", sex-talk, sex

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