i have no idea

Feb 26, 2005 20:25

rumour has it crash brambles happens tonight.
-sigh- at not being there, but huzah for it finally happening.
I miss all the guilco madness, and feel a bit bombarded by boredom lately. I never though i would ever say something to the extent of "im bored." but its true i murdered to words upon this lj, so it is so.
I've got a ton of work to do for layout concepts, including storyboarding a scene from amovie, i chose lost in translation, because im anti climactic like that, and i do better with the introspective scenes, or artsy fartsy rather.
I miss miriam. I should call her soon. She didnt reapear so i suppose the road trip is def. happening. I hope she comes to visit me. I miss my other half of me.
over and out for now.
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