Dec 04, 2004 11:19
hey every1 sorry i haven't updated in a while, but life hasn't been so exciting...lets see umm well last weekend we had a 4 day weekend!! woo hoo so gabbina came over and we went to the mall and we shopped a little then we took pictures and we were afraid they would come out really bad but they were really cute and then we shopped some more and debated on wether or not we should get a tinkerbell clock and same for pink lemonade snapple lip gloss(we didn't get either) and then we got things to hold our pictures in and then we went to the movies and we wanted to see brigite jones but it was sold out so we saw xmas w/ the kranks and we decided spike is a hottie lol gabby... so that was last weekend...well the week was pretty boring you no school and dance nothing new jkjk and then this weekend so far taylor and i saw the incredibles for my second time!! even better!! and then i slept at her house so ya!
<3 zoe